On Saturday, October 22, 2022 marked the public oral presentation and examination for the end of the training for Mr. Armel Lémonla OTEKPO in the Integrated Master Program for Sustainable Rural transformation (IMP-SRT), at the West African Centre for Sustainable Rural Transformation (WAC-SRT).
The jury consisted of:
Prof BAKASSO YACOUBA, President of the jury
Prof RABANI ADAMOU & Dr. KIARI FOUGOU ADIZA, Thesis supervisors:
The candidate presented his thesis on the topic: Flood risk management and local development in Dyonkoto – Boubon strip: a remote sensing approach.
Through this theme, the candidate demonstrated that:
1- The Floods in the Sahel have become annual and the consequences are extremely worrying;
2- The study area is located upstream of the capital city of Niamey, and along the Niger River;
3- Use mapping to assess the different levels of risk and vulnerability to flooding in a rural context;
4- The strategy to reduce the risks of flooding in the Dyonkoto-Boubon strip.
5- The use of integrated approach (engineering and policy) to highlight a decision-making tool for policy makers in flood risk management.
Through the different flood risk factors, maps, endogenous perceptions of populations towards floods etc… The candidate developed a flood risk simulation model to demonstrate how, with the help of geographic information system tools, the reality of flooding can be simulated and the risk prevented. Thus, the rural communities will be better informed, sensitized, and will know the ways and measures to take to ensure that these phenomena do not occur.The candidate Mr. Armel L. OTEKPO has provided the different answers to the questions of the jury. After the decision of the juries, the candidate Armel L. OTEKPO becomes holder of his Master’s Degree, with the average of 17/20. He was entreated by the jury to publish the document as a contribution to scientific knowledge for a larger audience.

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I am grateful to all who contributed to the development of this document, especially to:
Auswärtiges Amt (Federal Foreign Office) Germany ,
DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst ,
Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung / Center for Development Research (ZEF).
West African Centre for Sustainable Rural Transformation
DIGI-FACE – Digital Initiative for African Centres of Excellence
Congratulations Sir Armel Lémonla OTEKPO !!
We look forward reading this interesting research work.
Dear Mr. Aristide,
I will gladly send you the link to the article very soon. Much appreciated.
Thank you for keeping us updates. The tool that resulted from this research sounds promising. Well done!