By Omobayo Ghislain ZOFFOUN
During 21 July, 29-31 August and 14 September 2022, with support of DIGI-FACE, Pro-RUWA staff in Benin join online training on the DIGI-FACE moodle platform in order to enhance the local staff skills in online course management. Using notions acquired during this training session, I co-developed and co-prepared the advanced GIS course with Dr Thanh Thi Nguyen. This course cover 5 different notions: land use/land cover classification (review), interpolation, spatial analysis, watershed delineation, and introduction to machine learning. The course fully developed on DIGI-FACE moodle platform, will help the beginners who have at least basic knowledge in GIS to further their skills in GIS and remote sensing application in agricultural sciences. The advanced GIS course was delivered from 10.10.2022 to 14.10.2022 with 12 participants attending the course in blended format (presence and online) in Pro-RUWA Classroom/IT Hub at University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin and 3 participants attending online. Participants came from Universities and Institutes of Burkina-Faso, Niger, Benin, Ghana and Senegal and enhanced the broad range of experiences as well as multicultural exchange during the course.
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Great experience, Sir Omobayo Ghislain ! DIGI-FACE is really that platform that creates an environment where academics and non-academics from all over the continent and beyond can meet in order to learn from different perspectives. Thanks!
Congratulations to you brother. How can we benefit from the course/Training?