French speaking countries in Africa like Mali, Niger, and Senegal face recurring challenges in social, economic, environmental, and security aspects. These issues affect both Africa and Europe due to their proximity, leading to difficult living conditions, eroded trust in governments, and significant migration.
To tackle these problems, essential elements for successful development strategies in West African countries include decentralisation, good governance, democratisation of local governments, and promoting the rule of law. Efficient service delivery to local populations is also vital.
To address the growing demand for knowledge and skills in good governance, sustainable development, and public financial management, the partner universities and research institutions in Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Germany are collaborating to establish innovative Master’s programmes focusing on Local Governance and Local Public Management
The CEGLA project focusses on the development of
- Presence Master’s programmes in Local Governance and Public Management in the partner universities in Mali, Niger and Senegal
- A joint Blended Learning Master’s programme in Local Governance and Public Management combining the advantages of e-learning and face-to-face learning
- PhD and research programmes centred around decentralisation, local governance and sustainable development
- Further training courses for improving skills of local public employees
CEGLA’s efforts are grounded in effective development approaches like decentralisation, constitutional governance, and collaborative democratic planning within municipalities.
Through these strategies, CEGLA significantly addresses the rising need for capable, accountable local personnel, aiming to promptly deliver essential services to the population.