Subject: Ecosystemic dynamics and proposed restoration of the Guidimouni Ramsar site (Zinder)
Presented by: Souleymane Hadi
Date and place of defence: 24 August 2023 at WASCAL/Niamey /Niger
Procedure: Oral presentation of the dissertation, Souleymane Hadi (20 mins)
The session started at 10:00 am at the WASCAL premises in the Faculty of Science and Technology. The chairman of the jury, Professor Bakasso Yacoubou, gave the floor to the candidate to present the results of his dissertation.
The presentation began by thanking the members of the jury and two thesis supervisors. After introducing the research topic and the problems statement of the topic, the main research objectives were discussed, namely the general objective, which was to assess the ecosystemic dynamic at the Guidimouni Ramsar site in order to propose restoration activities, and the specific objectives, which were To analyse the changes observed in the watershed over the years on the basis of local knowledge, To collect information about the evolution of the climatic parameters (temperature and precipitation) of the watershed over the 40 years, To carry out a spacial analysis of the dynamic of the land use on the watershed over the 40 years (1980-2020), Highlight the main activities of the restoration in agreement with the population .
After outlining the genesis of this study, the basis for the research was presented. Despite the ecosystem services that the Guidimouni watershed provides to the population, this watershed is now faced to a phenomenon of degradation due to anthropogenic and climatic factor. The presentation highlighted the causes as well as the consequences of the degradation of this watershed in order to propose a restoration plan for this site which has just been classified as a Ramsar site on 12/18/2019.

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