Within the frame of the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) graduate school and South-North research exchange programmes funded the BMBF, Pro-RUWA welcomed Mahaman Sanoussi SANI ISSA at the section of Organic Plant Production and Agroecosystems Research in the Tropics and Subtropics (OPATS), Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, University Kassel, Germany. As a WASCAL PhD candidate, his two-month stay in Witzenhausen, Germany contributes towards strong links on common research topics regarding interdisciplinary research on sustainable agriculture in the tropics and sub-tropics. Read in his own words which impact the mentored research stay has had on him:
First name: Mahaman Sanoussi
Surname: SANI ISSA
University of enrolment: Université de Sciences, Techniques et de Technologie de Bamako, Mali (USTTB).
Affiliation: PhD candidate, WASCAL program

I was motivated to conduct my research stay under the West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL) programme at the University of Kassel because it is among the best universities leading in research on my area of interest, i.e., organic agricultural sciences. Especially the section of Organic Plant Production and Agroecosystems Research in the Tropics and Subtropics (OPATS), inspired me because their research focuses mainly on sustainable agriculture in the tropics and subtropics coupled with strong experience in conducting interdisciplinary research activities in West Africa. Besides that, the Pro-RUWA programme framework and its collaboration with WASCAL motivated me.
During my research stay, I improved my GIS and scientific presentation skills. I shared ideas on my research topic and possible areas of future collaboration with my two mentors (Dr Thanh Thi Nguyen & Dr. Martin Wiehle) as well as other colleagues (PhD students and Postdocs) from various African and non-African countries. Visiting the famous experimental organic farm of the University Kassel, Frankenhausen, was also very useful to see how well-organized organic farming works in the European context.
On the other hand, I enjoyed the idyllic and quiet town of Witzenhausen to progress in the write-up of a part of my thesis and discovered the beautiful landscapes of the city and its surroundings. I also got to know some German culture and some delicious dishes of my Pakistanis friends.
I believe that this research stay is just the beginning of a stronger collaboration between Pro-RUWA and myself (WASCAL alumnus).
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Long live the cooperation and networking between African Centres of Excellence and their German Partners !!
Congratulations Dear Elder.
Long live the African-German cooperation
Long live North-South scientific cooperation