The Climate and Sustainable Development Action Club (CSDAC) has secured another project grant from the FCDO to implement a second phase of its project in Karra Village, Niger. The project grant agreement was signed on the 17 October 2023. This phase of the project will provide a livelihood support system for women in the community by working with them to achieve financial security to sustainable savings approaches. It will further provide capacities for value addition of their vegetable products for increased incomes. The project will provide a solar Hub that will provide renewable energy for food processing, thereby, reducing the women’s carbon footprint in food production and processing. The project will gradually support these women to build a smart village. This phase of the project will equally install another 5000-litre water tank to enhance water supply to the farm.
The FCDO team was impressed with the results of the first phase and are confident that that the second phase will impact many more lives in the community.

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