Internal Publication
Teachers’ preparedness for the implementation of the new business subjects’ curriculum in selected secondary schools of Kabale district, Uganda
Teachers should be well prepared to enhance the implementation of the new Business Subjects
curriculum. They ought to be well prepared to enhance the implementation of the new Business
Subjects’ curriculum so as to impart the values of UgandaVision 2040. Given the recent
curriculum changes of Business Subjects in Ugandan secondary schools as well as limited
empirical evidence and discussion on the guidelines of the teachers’ preparedness for the
implementation of the new Business Subjects’ curriculum, the current study sought to assess
teachers’ preparedness for the implementation of the new Business Subjects’ curriculum in
selected secondary schools of Kabale District, Uganda. The Research objectives that guided this
study were; to assess the teachers’ characteristics for the implementation of the new Business
subjects’ curriculum; to identify the teacher practices that support teachers for the implementation
of the new Business Subjects’ curriculum; and; to identify teacher challenges that affect Business
Subjects teachers’ preparedness for the implementation of the new Business subjects’ curriculum.
The study was based on the doctrines of the curriculum theory developed by Ralph W. Tyler.
Based on the pragmatist paradigm, the researcher adopted a mixed-methods approach. The
research design used was the concurrent triangulation design. The study target population was 25
public and 16 private secondary schools in Kabale District giving a total of 41 secondary schools.
Stratified sampling was used to select 5 private and 8 public secondary schools proportionally. A
purposive sampling technique was used to select the study participants. These included 37
Business Subjects teachers and 13 Directors of Studies. Qualitative and Quantitative data were
collected using in-depth interview schedules, and questionnaires respectively. The Quantitative
data obtained were analyzed through inferential and descriptive statistics while Qualitative data
were thematically analyzed. The study found out a significant effect of teacher characteristics on
the implementation of the new Business Subjects curriculum. This was revealed by the Regression
analysis’ correlation of determination value of R2(.667) indicated that (66.7%) of the determinants
of implementation of the new Business subjects’ curriculum can be influenced by teacher
characteristics. The study found out that ICT integration, assessment and evaluation, lesson
planning, use of teaching aids, Integration of teaching methods were the major teacher practices
that Business Subjects teachers used to support their implementation of the new Business subject’s
curriculum. Further study findings revealed that the preparedness of Business Subjects teachers
was being hindered by both inside and outside school-related teacher challenges. In conclusion,
therefore, despite governments efforts to prepare Business subjects teachers for the
implementation of the new Business Subjects curriculum, the exercise is being hindered by
Business Subjects teachers’ ICT low skills, inadequate instruction materials, limited competent
human resources, lack of locally published texts and inadequate in-service training. The researcher
recommends that the government through the Ministry of Education should provide teaching and
learning resources to secondary schools in plenty especially the human resource, more in-service
training, instruction materials to prepare and enable Business Subjects teachers to realize the new
Business subjects' curriculum goals. Besides, localizing training and teacher training on ICT
should be prioritized as they are significant for preparing Business Subjects teachers to skillfully
implement the new Business subjects’ curriculum.
Author: MUHWEZI, Innocent | ORCID: 0000-0002-8223-1827
Institution: Moi University | Centre: East and South African-German Centre for Educational Research, Methodologies and Management (CERM-ESA)
Thesis Supervisor (s): Ssekamatte, David |
Thesis Supervisor (s): Kurgat, Susan |
Type: Theses | Master’s | English
Subjects: Development, Education
Date: April 2022 | Pages: xiv, 145 pages
Copyright: Muhwezi, Innocent | License: Open Access