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Handelsabkommen in Afrika und der Europäischen Union: eine Gegenüberstellung des EU-Binnenmarktes mit der Afrikanischen Kontinentalen Freihandelszone
Der internationale Handel spielt eine zentrale Rolle für globale wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen und Wohlstand. Diese Arbeit vergleicht den Binnenmarkt der Europäischen Union (EU) mit der Afrikanischen Kontinentalen Freihandelszone (AfCFTA), untersucht die Erfolgsfaktoren der EU und beleuchtet die Herausforderungen der AfCFTA. Der...
Uploaded by: Mary HarutyunyanAuthor: Ehrmann, Tabea
Co-author: Hafner, Maximilian
Co-author: Merz, Nadine
Co-author: Schmitt, Jana
Co-author: Harutyunyan, Mary
Date: 24.06.2024 | Pages: [i], 14, ii-iv
Climate strategies and their financing: a comparative analysis of the African Union climate strategy and the European Green Deal
Introduction: Although Africa is responsible for only 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions since the industrial revolution (Ritchie 2019) and represents not more than 6% of the global energy demand (Pichon 2022, p. 6), the continent is one of the...
Uploaded by: Mary HarutyunyanAuthor: Brucker, Katharina
Co-author: Ebinger, Madeleine
Co-author: Hamm, Philipp
Co-author: Villani, Daniela
Co-author: Widmaier, Tim
Date: June 28, 2024 | Pages: [24]
Vom Rhein bis an den Tschadsee: ein Vergleich internationaler Wassermanagementstrategien in Europa und Afrika
This study provides a comparative analysis of the water management strategies employed by Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR), with a particular focus on ecological, economic, and social factors. It...
Uploaded by: Mary HarutyunyanAuthor: Guth, Géraldine
Co-author: Jobst, Sandro
Co-author: Schmidt, Joschka
Co-author: Schulze, Christina
Co-author: Tränkner, Yannis
Date: Sommersemester 2024 | Pages: [iii],13, [ii]
Vergleich grenzüberschreitender Energieinfrastruktur in Afrika und Europa am Beispiel von SAPP und TEN-E
Aufgrund der Energiewende ist die Entwicklung grenzüberschreitender Energieinfrastruktur von großer Bedeutung. Dieses Paper vergleicht den Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) und die Transeuropäischen Netze für Energie (TEN-E), zwei wichtige Beispiele für die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Energiebereich der beiden Kontinente. Ziel...
Uploaded by: Mary HarutyunyanAuthor: Bosch, Annika
Co-author: Frey, Lea
Co-author: Hochdorfer, Max
Co-author: Stern, Florian
Co-author: Stotz, Tabea
Date: [Juni 2024] | Pages: [i], 20
Zukunftsorientierte Hochschulentwicklung in Europa und Afrika: strategische Ansätze und der Mehrwert von Hochschulkooperationen
In einer globalisierten Welt sind Hochschulkooperationen von essenzieller Bedeutung zur Bewältigung zukünftiger wirtschaftlicher, sozialer und geopolitischer Herausforderungen. Sie ermöglichen den Austausch von Wissen und Ressourcen auch über nationale Grenzen hinweg und können so Hochschulbildung nachhaltig fördern. Das vorliegende Paper analysiert...
Uploaded by: Mary HarutyunyanAuthor: Giray, Niklas
Co-author: Krahl, Dominic Louis
Co-author: Reusch, Lucile
Co-author: Schell, Niklas
Co-author: Schramm, Felix
Date: [Junie 2024] | Pages: [25]
Assessment of growth performance of Cobb500 broilers strain at Gic De Sahel Poultry Farm, Yaounde, Centre Region of Cameroon
Growth performance in broiler production is the major cause for concern by the farmer, from the time of receiving the day-old chick. As there is no common test use for the veracity for a better performance of day-old chick, the...
Uploaded by: Tata DANLAMIAuthor: DANLAMI, Tata | ORCID:
Date: 2023 | Pages: xii, 74
Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) as climate actions in West Africa Sahel: a review
Climate change posed a significant challenge in the West African Sahel, a region identified as one of the most vulnerable to climate change globally. Despite this vulnerability, the role of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) in addressing climate change impacts has...
Uploaded by: Abdoul Rachid MOUSSA SOUMAILAAuthor: MOUSSA SOUMAILA, Abdoul Rachid | ORCID:
Co-author: Sani Iddi, Hannatou
Co-author: Moussa, Soule | ORCID:
Publisher of document: Multan City: Ali Institute of Research and Skill Development (AIRSD)
Published in: Journal of Business and Environmental Management (JBEM), ISSN Print: 2959-4243 ISSN Online: 2959-4251
Date: March 2023 | Pages: 1 – 23
Role of agricultural extension in learning for uptake and intensification of less-practiced dairy climate-smart practices in Kenya
The enhanced uptake of dairy climate-smart practices (DCSPs) is important to cushion farmers against the effects of climate change. However, uptake remains low. Besides, there is limited evidence on the learning phase preceding adoption under a pluralistic extension system, while...
Uploaded by: Mercy MburuAuthor: Mburu, Mercy | ORCID:
Co-author: Mburu, John | ORCID:
Co-author: Nyiakl, Rose | ORCID:
Co-author: Mugera, Amin | ORCID:
Co-author: Ndambi, Asaah | ORCID:
Publisher of document: London: Informa UK Limited (trading as Taylor & Francis group)
Published in: Cogent food & agriculture, ISSN: 2331-1932 (Online)
Date: Accepted: 10 Mar 2024, Published online: 22 Mar 2024 | Pages: 18 pages
Impacts of climate change on human health in the West Africa Sahelian countries: a review
Human health is considered worldwide an important resource for the entire population living in a given community. Despite its vital importance, climate change poses many threats to the health system and well-being of people. This paper aimed at reviewiing the...
Uploaded by: SAMINOU HAROUNA HamissouAuthor: Hamissou, SAMINOU HAROUNA
Co-author: ZEBA, Samiratou
Co-author: Moussa, Soule
Publisher of document: Multan, Pakistan: Ali Institute of Research and Skill Development (AIRSD)
Published in: Journal of Business and Environmental Management
Date: 2023-12-04 | Pages: 52-66
Revised guidelines on the inclusion of learners with disabilities in open and distance learning (ODL)
Approximately 15% of the global population, representing one billion people, live with a disability. Inaccessible learning environments pose a significant barrier to quality education for all, affecting the rights of learners. Approximately 15% of the global population, representing one billion...
Uploaded by: Elisa AdamsAuthor: UNESCO
Co-author: Chambers, Dianne
Co-author: Varoglu, Zeynep
Publisher of document: Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, ISBN 978-92-3-100643-2
Date: 2023 Revised edition | Pages: 39
Risk perception and the choice to live in flood risk zones?
Climate extremities like floods have gained some notoriety in the world which have heightened some interest in the phenomenon in recent years. How people who live in flood risk zones relate to and survive this environmental impact are important to...
Uploaded by: Nyarko Lawrence FletcherAuthor: Fletcher, Nyarko Lawrence | ORCID: 0000-0002-2232-0959
Date: 2022 | Pages: 11
Professionnalisation de la Licence dans les université publiques togolaises : des pratiques inadéquates aux approches divergentes!
Plus de 10 ans après leur basculement total dans la réforme LMD, les offres de formation des universités publiques togolaises ne sont pas professionnalisées tel que le recommandent les normes de professionnalisation dans le contexte de la réforme LMD. Les...
Uploaded by: Dibaataba BALOGAHAuthor: BALOGAH, Dibaataba | ORCID:
Co-author: Amouzou-Glikpa, Amévor
Publisher of document: Lomé, Togo: Revues de L'Acaref
Published in: REVUE DELLA/AFRIQUE, Tome 2 : Histoire, Science Politique, droit, Economie/ Sciences Sociales, EISSN 2790- 0584 , ISSN 2790-0576
Date: décembre 2022 | Pages: 54-71
The state of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya: the benefits and weaknesses of the CBC, achievements, obstacles on the CBC implementation, some of the strategies employed by the government to mitigate the difficulties encountered and recommendations to propel the implementation process
Academic paper supervised by: Prof. Sammy Chumba & Dr John Njoroge. Abstract: Kenya introduced the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in 2017 to assist her people in acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, moral standards, and perceptions in order to prosper in the...
Uploaded by: Johnson MunyokiAuthor: Munyoki, Johnson
Date: 2023 | Pages: 24
Integration of information and communication technology in instruction of geography: a study of public secondary schools in Manyoni District, Tanzania
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a significant aspect of teaching and learning. Despite its significance, ICT is not fully integrated into the teaching and learning of Geography in Tanzania. The purpose of this study was to investigate ICT...
Uploaded by: Frank MwalukoAuthor: Mwaluko, Frank | ORCID:
Co-author: Tarmo, Albert Paulo | ORCID:
Co-author: Musamas, Josephine
Publisher of document: Eldoret: School of Education, Moi University, ISSN 1817-7654, EISSN 2960-3005
Published in: The educator: a journal of the School of Education, Moi University, ISSN 1817-7654 (print), ISSN 2960-3005 (online)
Date: 01-08-2023 | Pages: 65-80
Starchy staples production shortfalls in Ghana: technical inefficiency effects outweigh technological differences across ecologies
Starchy staples are a major source of livelihood support for farmers, traders, and processors who participate in these crops’ value chains, while also providing staple food to many people, especially the less affluent in society. Despite this position, the productivity...
Uploaded by: Isaac GK AnsahAuthor: Ansah, Isaac GK | ORCID:
Co-author: Appiah-Twumasi, Mark | ORCID:
Co-author: Tsiboe, Francis | ORCID:
Publisher of document: San Francisco: PLoS
Published in: PLoS ONE, ISSN 1932-6203 (online)
Date: April 24, 2023 | Pages: 1-23
The role of cross-border transhumance in influencing resident herders’ cattle husbandry practices and use of genetic resources
The cross-border mobility has been shown to play an important role in ensuring the productivity of the transhumant herds through adequate late dry season access to pastoral resources. Yet, its effects on the traditional agro-pastoral production systems that are encountered...
Uploaded by: Sandrine HouessouAuthor: Houessou, Sandrine | ORCID:
Co-author: Assogba, C. A
Co-author: Diogo, R. V. C.
Co-author: Vanvanhossou, S. F. U. | ORCID:
Co-author: Dossa, Luc Hippolyte | ORCID:
Co-author: Schlecht, Eva | ORCID:
Publisher of document: Previous publisher: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Animal Consortium June 2020; Current publisher: Amsterdam: Elsevier BV
Published in: Animal: the international journal of animal biosciences, ISSN 1751-7311, EISSN 1751-732X
Date: 19 June 2020 | Pages: Pages 2378-2386
Effets du Biochar utilisé comme amendement sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des sols et les paramètres agronomiques du Sorgho dans la zone semi-aride du Burkina Faso
La dégradation continue des sols conjuguée aux effets néfastes des changements climatiques compromettent l’atteinte de la sécurité alimentaire au Burkina Faso. La présente étude menée à Kongoussi (Burkina Faso) avait pour objectif de déterminer les effets du Biochar utilisé comme...
Uploaded by: Désiré Jean Pascal LOMPOAuthor: LOMPO, Désiré Jean Pascal
Co-author: Balboné, Abdoudramane
Co-author: Yé, Lambiénou
Co-author: Nacro, Hassan Bismark
Publisher of document: Ouagadougou: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique
Published in: Science et technique, Sciences naturelles et appliquée, ISSN 1011-6028
Date: Janvier 2020 | Pages: 387-398
Impact of COVID-19 on South Africa’s early childhood education and the sustainable development goals
In South Africa, the government’s ECD (early childhood development) norms and standards policy sets the minimum standards for an acceptable ECD center and the country is considered to have made tremendous progress in providing ECD services since the apartheid era....
Uploaded by: Amiena BayatAuthor: Bayat, Amiena | ORCID:
Co-author: Madyibi, Siphe | ORCID:
Publisher of document: Cham: Springer Cham
Published in: eReference work: SDGs in Africa and the Middle East Region. Part of book series: Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspective (E-ISSN 2731-5584;)
Date: 10 January 2023 | Pages: 27
Stratégies d’adaptation des ménages face à la variabilité et aux tendances climatiques actuelles dans le Fakara au Niger
Les effets du changement climatique se font de plus en plus sentir, et affectent de façon significative les systèmes de production des ménages dans le Fakara. La présente étude a été conduite dans le site de Kampa-Zarma du programme de...
Uploaded by: Dan Dano Na Inna AbdoulAzizAuthor: AbdoulAziz, Dan Dano Na Inna
Co-author: Larwanou, Mahamane
Publisher of document: Ruiru Kenya : Elewa Biosciences
Published in: Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences ( J. Anim. Plant Sci.), ISSN 2071–7024
Date: September 2022 | Pages: 9728-9744
Ressources et souveraineté
La souveraineté confère à un Etat la possibilité de s’affirmer en tant que maître de ses décisions et de sa politique. L’Etat est souverain en raison du pouvoir qui est le sien de lever l’impôt, c’est-à-dire de décréter dans quelle...
Uploaded by: El-hadji Boubacar TouréAuthor: Touré, El-hadji Boubacar | ORCID:
Horizontal flows of nitrogen, potassium, and carbon in urban vegetables gardens of Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Little is known about matter flows in intensive small scale production systems of urban agriculture in West Africa as an important criterion to assess their sustainability and environmental externalities. This study therefore investigated nutrient management practices in six selected urban...
Uploaded by: Désiré Jean Pascal LOMPOAuthor: LOMPO, Désiré Jean Pascal
Co-author: Compaoré, Emmanuel
Co-author: Sedogo, Michel Papaoba
Co-author: Melapie, Martina
Co-author: Bielders, Charles | ORCID:
Co-author: Buerkert, Andreas | ORCID:
Co-author: Schlecht, Eva | ORCID:
Publisher of document: Dordrecht: Springer Nature
Published in: Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, ISSN 1385-1314, EISSN 1573-0867
Date: Published 19 September 2018; Issue date November 2019 | Pages: 189–199
Mediation and moderation roles of resilience capacity in the shock–food-security nexus in northern Ghana
This paper examines how resilience capacity mediates or moderates the relationship between weather shocks and household food security based on two waves of farm household survey and satellite-based weather data in northern Ghana and applying econometric models. Results show that...
Uploaded by: Isaac GK AnsahAuthor: Ansah, Isaac GK | ORCID:
Co-author: Kotu, Bekele Hundie | ORCID:
Co-author: Manda, Julius | ORCID:
Co-author: Muthoni, Francis | ORCID:
Co-author: Azzarri, Carlo | ORCID:
Publisher of document: [Amsterdam]: Elsevier B.V.
Published in: Ecological Economics, ISSN 0921-8009
Date: Accepted 13 May 2023 | Pages: 1-10
Constitutionnalisation du droit a l’alimentation en Afrique de l’Ouest: cas du Niger
En Afrique de l’Ouest, les chiffres communiqués par la FAO dans son communiqué d’alerte du 07/12/21, sont accablants : 70 millions de personnes en situation de stress alimentaire dont 815.000 en urgence alimentaire dans la région sahélienne. A cela il...
Uploaded by: Zakaria YAHAYA NAMASSAAuthor: YAHAYA NAMASSA, Zakaria
Publisher of document: Sevilla: Egregius Ediciones
Published in: Vers un droit à l’alimentation plus effectif au Sahel, ISBN 978-84-18167-72-0
Date: 01/31/2022 | Pages: 35-44
The impact of growth mindset training on entrepreneurial action among necessity entrepreneurs: evidence from a randomized control trial
Although entrepreneurship training programs are designed to help necessity entrepreneurs acquire skills and capabilities to take entrepreneurial action, participants in these programs often fail to do so. In partnership with a local government agency, we conducted a randomized field experiment...
Uploaded by: Tumsifu ThomasAuthor: Morris, Shad | ORCID:
Co-author: Carlos, Chad | ORCID:
Co-author: Kistruck, Geoffrey M. | ORCID:
Co-author: Lount, Robert B. (Jr)
Co-author: Thomas, Tumsifu | ORCID:
Publisher of document: Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Strategic Management Society
Published in: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, ISSN 1932-443X
Date: 7 June 2023 | Pages: 671-692
Testing unemployment-entrepreneurship nexus in Namibia using the Schumpeterian approach
This study uses time series data from the World Bank database to examine the relationship between unemployment and entrepreneurship in Namibia. We applied the Augmented Dickey– Fuller and Phillips–Perron tests for unit root testing and found all the variables to...
Uploaded by: Dofilia KaloiaAuthor: Nautwima, Johanna Pangeiko | ORCID:
Co-author: Atiku, Sulaiman Olusegun | ORCID:
Co-author: Asa, Asa Romeo | ORCID:
Publisher of document: Basel, Switzerland: MDPI
Published in: Sustainability, EISSN 2071-1050
Date: 21 September 2023 | Pages: 15 pages
A framework for personal health records in online social networking
Since the early 20th century, the view has developed that high quality health care can be delivered only when all the pertinent data about the health of a patient is available to the clinician. Various types of health records have...
Uploaded by: Eldridge2 van der WesthuizenAuthor: van der Westhuizen, Eldridge | ORCID: 0000-0002-6673-0490
Date: January 2012 | Pages: xiii, 123 leaves
"Asibizi": teaching human reproduction in rural Eastern Cape schools
The primary focus of this paper is to explore the possible influence of cultural taboos when teaching human reproduction content knowledge by isiXhosa speaking teachers in rural secondary schools of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Previous studies on Xhosa culture...
Uploaded by: Ayanda SimayiAuthor: Simayi, Ayanda | ORCID: 0000-0002-5592-2745
Co-author: Webb, Paul | ORCID: 0000-0002-4118-8973
Publisher of document: Mumbai: Gaurang Publishing Globalize Pvt. Ltd. on behalf of Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Published in: Proceedings of EpisTEME 8: international conference to review research in science, technology and mathematics education, ISBN 9788194156796
Date: 2020 | Pages: 36-44
The place of supplementary irrigation: agriculture and sustainable rural transformation strategy in a changing climate: a review
Farmer productivity has been experiencing some decline for some decades now. There is some evidence that internal push factors such as conflicts, policy failure have affected productivity, Climate change impacts have contributed greatly to the decline in yield making rural...
Uploaded by: Nyarko Lawrence FletcherAuthor: Fletcher, Nyarko Lawrence | ORCID: 0000-0002-2232-0959
Co-author: LAFIA N'GOBI, Gnanki Mariam | ORCID: 0000-0001-5299-2054
Publisher of document: Cyberjaya, Selango (Malasia): Zibeline International Publishing SDN BHD
Published in: Ecofeminism and climate change (EFCC), 2633-4070 (Online), 2633-4062 (Print)
Date: 07 December 2022 | Pages: Pages 95-103
A process framework for big data research: social network analysis using design science
Managing and harnessing big data is increasingly being reported as an approach to generate business value, optimize decision-making, and achieve competitive advantage. There is strong evidence that research on big data has gained significant attention from both the academic community...
Uploaded by: John OredoAuthor: Oredo, John | ORCID: 0000-0002-7855-5175
Co-author: Dennehy Denis | ORCID: 0000-0001-9931-762X
Co-author: Gupta Samrat | ORCID: 0000-0002-3999-1177
Publisher of document: Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Published in: Handbook of big data research methods, ISBN 9781800888548, EISBN 9781800888555
Date: June 2023 | Pages: 27
Impacts of terrorism on biodiversity management in West African Sahel: a review
Over the past 50 years, a number of homegrown solutions and international development assistance have been initiated and implemented to address the West Africa Sahel region’s biodiversity resources decline. This ranges from indigenous/community led natural resources regeneration and land restoration...
Uploaded by: Nyarko Lawrence FletcherAuthor: Fletcher, Nyarko Lawrence | ORCID: 0000-0002-2232-0959
Co-author: Maman Bawa, Sakina | ORCID: 0000-0001-8717-5521
Co-author: Moussa, Soule | ORCID: 0000-0001-9125-1304
Publisher of document: Singapore: Bilingual Publishing Group
Published in: Research in Ecology, ISSN: 2661-3379
Date: 29 September 2022 | Pages: 10 pages
The effect of an intervention using GIS-generated geo-spatial data on the promotion of spatial cognition and spatial perspective taking in grade 11 learners
A question asked at the first national conference on the educational applications of geographical information systems (GIS) in Washington 1994, namely what learning does GIS allow that other ways do not and whether teaching GIS at school level is worth...
Uploaded by: Paul WebbAuthor: Webb, Paul | ORCID:
Co-author: Britz, H. W.
Publisher of document: Abingdon, Oxon U.K.: Taylor & Francis Group, ISSN 0373-6245 (Print), ISSN 2151-2418 (Electronic)
Published in: South African Geographical Journal
Date: 2016 | Pages: 182-193
The effectiveness of brain-compatible blended learning material in the teaching of programming logic
Blended learning is an educational approach which integrates seemingly distinct educational approaches, such as face-to-face and online experiences. In a blended learning environment the classroom lectures can, for example, be augmented with learning material offered in a variety of technologically...
Uploaded by: Paul WebbAuthor: Webb, Paul | ORCID:
Co-author: Van Niekerk, Johan
Publisher of document: Exeter: Elsevier Science, EISSN 1873-782X , ISSN 0360-1315
Published in: Computers in Education
Date: December 2016 | Pages: 16-27
Pratiques et logiques des acteurs autour de la professionnalisation des offres de formation des universités publiques togolaises dans le contexte de la réforme LMD
La professionnalisation des offres de formations est l’axe majeur de la réforme LMD (Agulhon et Convert, 2011). Mais cette réforme intervient dans un contexte de massification et de financement de plus en plus insuffisant des universités publiques de la zone...
Uploaded by: Dibaataba BALOGAHAuthor: BALOGAH, Dibaataba | ORCID: 0000-0003-3554-5564
Date: October 2021 | Pages: 519
Science education and literacy: Imperatives for the developed and developing world
This article explores current language-based research aimed at promoting scientific literacy and examines issues of language use in schools, particularly where science teaching and learning take place in teachers' and learners' second language. Literature supporting the premise that promoting reading,...
Uploaded by: Paul WebbAuthor: Webb, Paul | ORCID:
Publisher of document: AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
Published in: Science
Date: 2010 | Pages: 448 – 450.
Xhosa indigenous knowledge: stakeholder awareness, value and choice
This study investigated a sample of isiXhosa mother tongue-speaking science teachers’, their pupils’, and adult local community members’ awareness of Xhosa indigenous knowledge. It also investigated what aspects of this knowledge they value and think should and could be integrated...
Uploaded by: Paul WebbAuthor: Webb, Paul | ORCID:
Publisher of document: Springer, ISSN 1571-0068
Published in: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Date: 2013 | Pages: 89-110
Exploring the role of organizational mindfulness on cloud computing and firm performance: the case of Kenyan organizations
The popularity and use of cloud computing has largely been driven by the reported benefits on firm performance. Despite this technology providing a paradigm shift in information technology (IT) services, the process through which the adoption of cloud computing effects...
Uploaded by: John OredoAuthor: Oredo, John | ORCID: 0000-0002-7855-5175
Co-author: Dennehy, Denis
Publisher of document: Berlin?: Springer Nature
Published in: Information Systems Frontiers, EISSN 1572-9419, ISSN 1387-3326
Date: 04 November 2022 | Pages: 22 pages
Supply chain resilience in mindful humanitarian aid organizations: the role of big data analytics
The purpose of this paper is to understand the nomological network of associations between collective mindfulness and big data analytics in fostering resilient humanitarian relief supply chains.
Uploaded by: John OredoAuthor: Oredo, John | ORCID: 0000-0002-7855-5175
Co-author: Dennehy, Denis
Co-author: Spanaki, Konstantina
Co-author: Despoudi, Stella
Co-author: Fitzgibbon, Mike
Publisher of document: Leeds: Emerald Publishing Limited
Published in: International Journal of Operations & Production Management, ISSN 0144-3577
Date: 12 October 2021 | Pages: pages 1417-1441
Assessing the performance of solar potovoltaic pumping system for rural area transformation in West Africa: case of Sekoukou Village, Niger
Energy is a critical foundation for socio-economic development of any country. This study assesses the performance of the Solar Photovoltaic Pumping System toward an integrated rural area transformation in the village of Sekoukou in Niger (West Africa). Electrical parameters, meteorological...
Uploaded by: David AGBOAuthor: Bachirou, Djibo | ORCID: 0009-0004-3056-8163
Co-author: Halidou, Ibrahim | ORCID: 0000-0003-3002-8365
Co-author: SOULEY Moussa, MOUNKAILA
Publisher of document: New York, NY: Science Publishing Group
Published in: International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, ISSN: 2326-957X ; EISSN: 2326-960X
Date: 29 November 2022 | Pages: 114-124
Teaching strategies in language-diverse mathematics classes: a case study
This study was located in a mathematics classroom in a township school in Port Elizabeth. After an intervention designed to raise awareness of dialogic teaching practices, three teachers introduced exploratory talk, with varying degrees of success, into their mathematics classrooms....
Uploaded by: Paul WebbAuthor: Webb, Lyn
Co-author: Webb, Paul | ORCID:
Publisher of document: Port Elizabeth: Educational Research for Social Change,
Published in: Educational Research for Social Change, ISSN: 2221-4070
Date: 2013 | Pages: 31-42
Towards an integrated learning strategies approach to promoting scientific literacy in the South African context
The focus of this paper is on selected recent South African research studies that have explored efforts to promote the discussion, writing, and arguing aspects of scientific literacy in primary and middle schools, particularly amongst second-language learners. These studies reveal...
Uploaded by: Paul WebbAuthor: Webb, Paul | ORCID:
Publisher of document: International Journal of Environmental and Science Education
Published in: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
Date: Webb, P. 2009). | Pages: 313-334.
African-German cooperation towards decolonising higher education: CERM-ESA approaches and lessons learnt.
This paper looks into decolonisation as a guiding principle for North-South academic cooperation cowards the United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development adopted in 20I5. The purpose is to examine the German Academic Exchange Service (DMD) funded African-German cooperation within...
Uploaded by: Paul WebbAuthor: Kindiki, J
Co-author: von Moellendorff, Malve
Co-author: Speck, Karsten
Co-author: Webb, Paul | ORCID:
Publisher of document: ISSN: 1434-4688
Published in: Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik
Date: 2019 | Pages: 11-15
A culturally responsive strategy for teaching sexual concepts in rural Xhosa secondary schools
While research shows that the recognition and integration of indigenous knowledge (IK) is an important issue for developing culturally responsive strategies when teaching and learning science to, and by, indigenous people, little has been said about cultural taboos of a...
Uploaded by: Ayanda SimayiAuthor: Simayi, Ayanda | ORCID: 0000-0002-5592-2745
Date: December 2021 | Pages: xvii, 293 pages
The clash of systems: African perceptions of the European Union and China engagement
Over the past fifteen years, China has successfully positioned itself as a major trading partner and investor in Africa, displacing Europe as the most important partner in large infrastructure projects and the exploitation of raw materials. This competition by China...
Uploaded by: Nashon AderoAuthor: Adero, Nashon | ORCID: 0000-0003-2830-7912
Co-author: Shikwati, James
Co-author: Juma, Josephat
Publisher of document: Potsdam-Babelsberg: Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Date: June 2022 | Pages: 22 pages
Teachers’ characteristics for the implementation of the new business subjects’ curriculum in selected secondary schools of Kabale District, Uganda
Abstract: The main purpose of the current study was to assess the effect of teachers’ characteristics in the implementation of the new Business Subjects’ curriculum in selected secondary schools of Kabale District, Uganda. The study was based on the doctrines...
Uploaded by: INNOCENT MUHWEZIAuthor: MUHWEZI, INNOCENT | ORCID: 0000-0002-8223-1827
Co-author: Ssekamatte, David
Co-author: Kurgat, Susan
Publisher of document: Erbil, Iraq: Ishik University
Published in: International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, ISSN 2520-0968 (Online), ISSN 2409-1294 (Print)
Date: December 2021 | Pages: Pages 66-82
Teacher practices in the implementation of the new business subjects’ curriculum in Uganda: a case of selected secondary schools in Kabale District
The study aimed at identifying the teacher practices that support the implementation of the new business subjects’ curriculum in selected secondary schools of Kabale district, Uganda. The study was underpinned by Ralph W. Tyler’s (1949) principles of curriculum theory. Based...
Uploaded by: INNOCENT MUHWEZIAuthor: MUHWEZI, INNOCENT | ORCID: 0000-0002-8223-1827
Co-author: Ssekamatte, David
Co-author: Kurgat, Susan
Publisher of document: Waterloo, Ont.: Matis Translation Services
Published in: Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, ISSN 2816-2587
Date: 2022-07-01 | Pages: 56-70
Teachers’ preparedness for the implementation of the new business subjects’ curriculum in selected secondary schools of Kabale district, Uganda
Teachers should be well prepared to enhance the implementation of the new Business Subjects curriculum. They ought to be well prepared to enhance the implementation of the new Business Subjects’ curriculum so as to impart the values of UgandaVision 2040....
Uploaded by: INNOCENT MUHWEZIAuthor: MUHWEZI, INNOCENT | ORCID: 0000-0002-8223-1827
Date: April 2022 | Pages: xiv, 145 pages
Sustainable intensification of integrated lifestock systems in the Sahel, West Africa
Sustainable intensification of livestock production in the Sahelian region of Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal is an important aim to mitigate effects of climate change, reduce land degradation and serve the increasing population in terms of income and nutrition. Major...
Uploaded by: Hannah Grund-MagomuAuthor: Grund-Magomu, Hannah
Effects of a 6 Brick Duplo Block guided play intervention on pre-literate learners’ visual perception
Background: Literature reveals that guided play promotes the development of visuospatial abilities essential for learning to read, write and do mathematics. However, most of these findings have focused on older children who are already literate, and the tests and the...
Uploaded by: Paul WebbAuthor: Jemutai, Sarah | ORCID: 0000-0003-3965-2009
Co-author: Webb, Paul | ORCID: 0000-0002-4118-8973
Publisher of document: Cape Town : AOSIS (Pty) Ltd
Published in: South African Journal of Childhood Education, ISSN: 2223-7674 (Print), ISSN: 2223-7682 (Online)
Date: 28 August 2019 | Pages: 8 pages
From exploratory talk to abstract reasoning: a case for far transfer?
Research has shown improvements in science, mathematics, and language scores when classroom discussion is employed in school-level science and mathematics classes. Studies have also shown statistically and practically significant gains in children’s reasoning abilities as measured by the Raven’s Standard...
Uploaded by: Paul WebbAuthor: Webb, Paul | ORCID: 0000-0002-4118-8973
Co-author: Whitlow, J. W. Jr. | ORCID: 0000-0002-3489-4458
Co-author: Venter, Danie | ORCID: 0000-0003-3378-0165
Publisher of document: New York: Springer Science+Business Media
Published in: Educational Psychology Review, ISSN 1040-726X
Date: 28 April 2016 | Pages: 565 - 581
Lessons from modelling COVID-19 scenarios in Kenya and implications for policy and planning
This study examined and modelled the cross-country spread of the novel coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) in Africa and outside Africa, finally converging on Kenya as the country of interest. A review of the models widely used to calibrate policy...
Uploaded by: Nashon AderoAuthor: Adero, Nashon | ORCID: 0000-0003-2830-7912
Publisher of document: San Francisco, California : Academia Letters
Published in: Academia Letters, ISSN 2771-9359
Date: July 2021 | Pages: 10 pages
Land use/land cover classification for the iron ore mining site of Kishushe, Kenya: a feasibility study of traditional and machine learning algorithms
Motivated by the need to enhance the precision of land use/land cover classification for mining environments challenged by rapid anthropogenic and natural changes, we analysed multispectral Sentinel 2A satellite data using four different classifiers: Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), Support Vector...
Uploaded by: Nashon AderoAuthor: Siljander, M.
Co-author: Gitau, F.
Co-author: Nyambu, E.
Co-author: Adero, Nashon | ORCID: 0000-0003-2830-7912
Publisher of document: Kenya : Centre of Excellence in Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management , Taita Taveta University
Published in: African Journal of Mining, Entrepreneurship and Natural Resource Management (AJMENRM), ISSN 2706-6002
Date: April 2020 | Pages: 115-124
The future of Africa in the post-COVID-19 world
The future of Africa in the Post-COVID-19 World is a timely book on Africa, a continent whose strategic position in the nexus of emerging global megatrends and complex development challenges is receiving increased attention. This book is a wellspring of...
Uploaded by: Nashon AderoAuthor: Adero, Nashon | ORCID: 0000-0003-2830-7912
Co-author: Juma, Josephat (editor)
Publisher of document: Kenya: Inter Region Economic Network, ISBN 9789914708806
Date: 2021 | Pages: xvi, 227