Internal Publication
Sustainable intensification of integrated lifestock systems in the Sahel, West Africa
Sustainable intensification of livestock production in the Sahelian region of Burkina Faso, Mali
and Senegal is an important aim to mitigate effects of climate change, reduce land degradation
and serve the increasing population in terms of income and nutrition. Major
constraints in utilizing multi-purpose trees and shrubs (MPTs) in agropastoral systems are their high content of anti-nutritional factors. Through
a comparative literature analysis, the question whether the available literature on MPTs as
livestock feed could be used to identify suitable species with the aim of providing information for the ongoing SustainSahel project. Relevant literature was searched and browse species adapted to the Sahelian climate were chosen. The data concerning the browses’ chemical composition, gas production and degradability as well as their in vivo digestibility and effects on animal performance were investigated. Main findings showed that high CP content alone is not sufficient to judge the potential of browse as supplement. Unexpectedly, moderate to high degradability
and gas production were found for many species, such as A. indica and G. sepium. CH4 mitigating
species, such as C. cajan and F. religiosa, were identified. Using the data of feeding trials was
of value to understand specific effects on animal performance. Ultimately, the use of A. angustissima, A. seyal, G. senegalensis, among others,
as supplements has to be discouraged. A. senegal, A. indica and C. aculeatum have been identified as suitable supplements. Among the locally available species, A. africana, A. tortilis subsp. raddiana,
A. nilotica, M. crassifolia, P. erinaceus and P. lucens warrant further research. Suggested species can be studied in vivo, and according to their agronomic and socio-economic features. It was possible to shed light on the usefulness of MPTs as supplements for sustainable intensification of livestock production in the Sahel with literature from within and outside the focus area.
Author: Grund-Magomu, Hannah
Institution: University of Kassel | Centre: Promoting Academic Capacities for Sustainable Agricultural Resources Use in West Africa (Pro-RUWA)
Thesis Supervisor (s): Rößler, Regina | Schlecht, Eva |
Type: Theses | Bachelor | English
Subjects: Climate and Environment, Agriculture
Date: 2021
Copyright: Grund-Magomu, Hannah