Internal Publication
African-German cooperation towards decolonising higher education: CERM-ESA approaches and lessons learnt.
This paper looks into decolonisation as a guiding principle for North-South academic cooperation cowards the United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development adopted in 20I5. The purpose is to examine the German Academic Exchange Service (DMD) funded African-German cooperation within the East and South African-German Centre of Excellence for Educational Research Methodologies and Management - CERM-ESA - and reflect on its conditions and its contributions to decolonising higher education. The article draws on relevant literature and reflects on CERM-ESA activities, face-to-face discussions with CERM-ESA faculty and students. The findings have practical implications for North-South cooperation partnerships aimed at decolonising higher education in Africa.
Uploaded by: Paul WebbAuthor: Kindiki, J
Co-author: Von Moellendorff, Malve
Co-author: Speck, Karsten
Co-author: Webb, Paul | ORCID:
Institution: None | Centre: East and South African-German Centre for Educational Research, Methodologies and Management (CERM-ESA)
Type: Journal article | English | Peer Reviewed
Subjects: Education
Published: Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik | 2(5) | ISSN: 1434-4688
Date: 2019 | Pages: 11-15
Copyright: Waxmann