Topic: Assessment of the potential biomass resources for a sustainable energy management in Niger

It was on Monday, 28th November 2022, that M. Amadou Mounkaila Hama, WAC-SRT Master student from second batch and enginery track, have been schedule to defense official my Master thesis at the Complex of Sciences: Professor. Alassane Abdoulay in the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey.
The topic was taken on the Assessment of potential biomass resources for sustainable bioenergy promotion in Niger. The event has started at exactly 4:30 sharp. Indeed, the jury have included: Prof. Bakasso Yacoubou as chaiman, Ass Prof. Innoussa M. Maarouhi who is the supervisor and Dr. Bonkaney Abdou Latif as examinator of the work.

For the presentation, 20 minutes have been given to me to explaine the main results of the study. In fact, after 18 minutes the presentation is done, so the flow was managed by Prof Bakasso who gate it first to the supervisor Ass.Prof Maarouhi (about 25 minutes) to make his comments upon the candidate, the condition in which the work has been done and his own remark and contribution to improve the document. Then was to the examiner who have taken around 35 minutes to make comments, remarks and pose question. Finally, the chairman himself has taken the flow and make intervention on some correction to do on the document to improve the quality the work, it tooks for him slightly 20 minutes then is the brake.

After 15 minutes, the panel has called the candidate to deliver the decision of the jury and their affected grade (16.5/20) to the work, considering the quality of the redaction, the level of mastering the topic and the presentation and finally the ability of the candidate to answer the question of the panel members.

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