On Saturday, October 8, 2022 in Fakambi amphitheater located in the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC) was held an open day followed by the official inauguration ceremony of the Multimedia Pro-RUWA/UAC Room set up by the West African-German network Promoting Academic Capacities for Sustainable Agricultural Resources Use in West Africa (Pro-RUWA).

This ceremony was attended by more than 250 students from different faculties of the UAC, teachers, administrative staff and some officials of the university as well as partners of the project from the University of Kassel in Germany. The ceremony was led by a presidium composed of members of University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin) and University of Kassel (Germany):

  • Vice-Chancellor in charge of Interuniversity Cooperation, Partnerships and Professional Insertion (VR-CIPIP/UAC), Prof. Nelly Carine KELOME
  • Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FSA, UAC), Prof. Augustin AOUDJI
  • Leader of the Pro-RUWA project (University of Kassel), Prof. Andreas Bürkert
  • National Coordinator of Pro-RUWA (UAC), Prof. Luc Hippolyte DOSSA
  • E-learning and E-teaching facilitator (University of Kassel), Dr Thanh Nguyen
  • Vice Dean of the School of Science and Technology of Animal Production (ESTPA, FSA, UAC), Prof. Soumanou TOLEBA.

The opening speech was pronounced by the national coordinator of Pro-RUWA who first expressed his gratitude to the members of the presidium who agreed to preside over this ceremony, despite their very busy agenda, and to all the assistance. He then shared with the audience information on the background of the Pro-RUWA project, before explaining the context in which the Pro-RUWA Multimedia Room was set up at UAC. He presented the material and equipment provided by the project for the room which make this room an ideal environment for the access to facilities necessary for the adoption of new teaching tools. Officials present at the inauguration ceremony also took the floor to congratulate the holders of the project for the initiative and at the same time invite the students who are the main beneficiaries to make good use of the equipment and to ensure its sustainability. After the various speeches, the audience was invited to move towards the Pro-RUWA/UAC Multimedia room for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. The ceremony continued with a tour of the room by participants divided into small groups who had the opportunity to discuss with other members of the Pro-RUWA team from University of Kassel via video conference. This was followed by a family photo session in a friendly atmosphere with guests before the closing of the ceremony.

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  1. Zéphérin DAÏ says:

    This is a good initiative that can make us future decision makers of Africa. I thank all those who contributed to the success of this event.

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