We are happy to announce our DIGI-FACE prospectus for the first semester of 2022. Please find a copy for you to download below.
Many of the modules offered last year will be offered again this semester. Some will be facilitated by our newly trained multipliers, namely those who successfully facilitated modules in 2021.
The How to manage your DIGI-FACE Moodle site is an essential module for our IT Centre Managers, and is scheduled to run four times this year. In other words, we are placing special emphasis on training our IT Centre managers.
All modules are free of charge and everyone affiliated with a Centre of Excellence is eligible to apply. While modules in French are not listed in this prospectus, our Francophone centres will offer modules in French in a parallel process.
Each module will be opened for application a month before it starts. We will keep you updated on the blog and announce everything in time for you to apply and share the news.
Currently, we are also developing new modules which will be offered in the second half of 2022. One of them builds on the existing Quantitative Research Methodologies I module and leads into the use of inferential statistics and data processing software.
If you would like to suggest another module topic that you would be interested in, shoot us a mail to digiface@uol.de.
We hope to see you in one of the module runs this year!
Keep well & all the best
Your DIGI-FACE team
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Good news