We are happy to announce our first module run in 2022, the Module Makeover mini module!
It will guide you in giving your existing E-learning modules a ‘makeover’ in order to improve learner experience. This includes reviewing factors like Technology and Tools, Design and Layout, Content and Activities, Interaction and Assessment & Feedback. The mini module consists of two Zoom session and two weeks of self-directed learning on the Moodle platform and will be facilitated by our DIGI-FACE team member Elmien Waring.
The Zoom sessions will take place Mon 22 Feb and one week later Mon 1 March, at 2 pm CAT.
Feel free to apply here directly or forward this call to anybody among your colleagues who might be interested. The application deadline is 10 Feb 2022. Please find a PDF with all necessary information below.
Please note that we have updated the PDF as it said Monday initially. However, this was a mistake and the Zoom sessions are taking place on a Tuesday. The dates & times are still the same. We’re sorry for this mishap.
All the best
Sonja for the DIGI-FACE Team
P.S. Stay tuned! The prospectus for the whole first semester of 2022 will also be out very soon. We will publish it on this platform for you to consult and will inform you about it via the blog.
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