DIGI-FACE offers a variety of general modules over the course of a year, as you can see in our prospectus. However, DIGI-FACE not only offers these modules directly, but also trains new cohorts of facilitators to teach these modules independently of the project at their own institutions.
To this end, all of our facilitators go through a round of training that includes both technological and pedagogical aspects. They then deliver the modules under the supervision of experienced facilitators and receive high-quality feedback to improve their digital teaching skills. This typically includes preparing and delivering Zoom sessions, marking assignments in Moodle, and navigating the Moodle learning management system as a teacher.
We are happy to report that to this date we have trained facilitators for three different modules: Academic Written and Graphic Presentation, Exploring the Online Learning Environment and Strengthening Post-Graduate Supervision. Most of them can already be found in our database which is finally live.
You can find it in the Learn menu under “Our facilitators”. Click here to go there directly.

What is the database for?
First of all, the database is a place where we want to showcase and present successful members of our network who have put in a lot of effort to become more experienced digital teachers. We are there for extremely proud to see so many friendly faces in our database!
Additionally, the database is a place for you to look out for digital teaching talents who might give courses at your centre. While DIGI-FACE is offering most of its generic modules at least once per year for the whole network, it might be the case that you want to facilitate it at another time or with a different cohort – a new group of scholarship holders of your centre maybe. In that case you will now be able to approach the facilitators directly and see whether they would be available to offer their course (i.e. the course they have become facilitators for) at your centre. Thus, you would hire and pay them from your own pockets without any involvement of DIGI-FACE along the way.
We hope, that by training new generations of multipliers and presenting them to you and our whole network in a central place, the project will become more and more sustainable and someday support itself without any of our involvement.
How do I use the database?
Fortunately, our database is very simple to use. After opening it you can have it filtered to only display facilitators for a particular course you are interested in. By clicking on one of the courses displayed as buttons at the left-hand side only facilitators for this particular course will be shown to you.

You can turn off the filter by clicking on “All facilitators”.
Once you click on one of the pictures of the people you are interested in, their profile will open and you will be able to read more about their own (digital) learning journey, interests and affiliations. You will also find a link to their member page here on digiface.org which might want to check as well.
If you are interested to hire them as a future facilitator for your own centre you are invited to check their member page for contact details and reach out to them individually.
We truly hope that this database will foster an ever-closer DIGI-FACE network and will allow for plenty of fruitful new connections in the future!
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Thank Sonja for the tremendous work you have engaged in to finally developed this database. Keep going strong in all your deliberations.
Thank you, Sonja, for the tremendous work you have engaged in to finally developed this database. Keep going strong in all your deliberations.