Question & Answer session with Brighten Simasiku, NGCL – 28 April, 4 pm CAT

Digitalisation looms large, especially now, two years after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. It remains a challenge and can appear daunting to many. One of the centres of African Excellence, the Namibian-German Centre of Logistics (NGC) at the Namibia University of Science and Technology in Namibia, has been able to address a number of the particular challenges that they faced, and, along the way, they have developed some interesting insights.
While each centre is different, many issues are generic. Engaging with each other on challenges and possible solutions is most likely to be both interesting and beneficial for all. This is why we have invited Brighten, who has been an integral part of the process at NGCL, to host an open Question & Answer session via Zoom for anyone interested. He will answer your questions, share helpful tips and generally facilitate a best-practise exchange. If you have a specific question/topic in advance for Brighten that you would like him to raise, please send an email to
We are looking forward to a lively exchange with you!
If you cannot join us virtually, the meeting will be recorded and Karlien Potgieter will make it available on request. If you want to join, kindly apply here. Please make sure to be logged in – otherwise you cannot apply.
A few days before the session you will receive the participation link via mail.
All the best
Your DIGI-FACE team
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Thank you Brighten for giving us insight in the programmes and courses your centre is offering online and for sharing your experiences!