The Climate and Sustainable Development Action Club (CSDAC) brought the first phase of its project: Enhancing Climate Resilience and Incomes of Rural Women and Youth through Climate Smart Agriculture and Green Energy, Funded by the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (through the British Embassy, Niger) to a close on the 25 July, 2023.
The ceremony was organized on the farm space developed for the women farmers in the community, Karra. In attendance were the British Ambassador and her team, the Rector of the University (UAM), the patron of CSDAC (Prof. Emeritus Khalid Ikhiri), the Vice Mayor, Chiefs from the community and neighboring communities, Technical officers from the Local Government Authority, Beneficiaries, and students. It was an opportunity for the British Ambassador, Her Excellency Catherine Inglehearn and her team to visit the site, have a look at their investment, and interact with project beneficiaries.
The ambassador was especially impressed about the fact that students from the West African Centre for Sustainable Rural Transformation led such an impactful project. She highlighted the need for similar innovative projects that directly addressed the actual needs of rural women. She used the platform to call on other organizations and missions to increase their support for growing organizations like CSDAC in order to accelerate efforts to achieve the SDGs. Certificates were also presented to the 30 young people who were trained in solar technology deployment for irrigation as part of the project.
The solar system was officially handed over to the women, after which a short visit was made to the 1.20 hector farm equipped with a solar powered drip irrigation system for the women farmers.
The Club will like to thank the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) and the British Embassy team for their financial and technical support to the Club. It would also like to thank the Rector of UAM, Prof. Rabani Adamou, its Patron, Prof. Emeritus Khalid Ikhiri; the mayor and her team at the Local Government Authority; and the Chief of the community for their unflinching support to the project and the Club.

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