By Dr. Windell Nortje
The African Centre for Transnational Criminal Justice (formerly, South African-German Centre for Transnational Criminal Justice) is housed in the Law Faculty at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. Prof John-Mark Iyi, the Director of the Centre, together with staff Dr Linda Mushoriwa, Dr Windell Nortje, Mr Nhlanhla Modzanane and Ms Tracey Oliphant participated in the 2022 DIGI-FACE Launching Activities. During September and October 2022, we embarked on digitalizing a Master of Laws course, namely International Criminal Law. The DIGI-FACE Moodle platform enabled us to seamlessly digitalise the course by using the skills that we gained from the online workshops presented by DIGI-FACE over the course of 2021 and 2022. Iyi, Mushoriwa and Nortje worked as pedagogical experts by including interactive content and activities as well as recorded lectures. Modzanane provided technical and IT support while Oliphant provided administrative support. Our planning meetings were both in person and hybrid and gave us the opportunity to engage in how to digitise the course and better understand online learning. DAAD and DIGI-FACE provided us with the training, the tools and the guidance to complete our activity and we are truly grateful!

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