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    • CEMEREM: E-Learning Training for TTU Staff at Nelson Mandela University a Success

      Over the period 11-14 June 2024, five staff from Taita Taveta University (TTU) attended e-learning training at Nelson Mandela University as part of the DIGI-FACE initiative. Rediscovering the inspiring examples was more than just a trip; it was an eye-opening experience that highlighted growth and potential. Much appreciation and gratitude goes to CEMEREM and DIGI-FACE for this empowering initiative towards realising digital fluency in higher education.


    • E-Learning Training at Nelson Mandela University

      Remotopia, or remote working, has become a buzzword. In a world becoming increasingly connected through a meshed network of digital spaces, a progressive realisation of the metaverse concept, universities cannot be left behind if they are to produce market-ready graduates for the new borderless knowledge generation and research environment. Proficiency in utilising digital tools to enhance learning outcomes is critical to reaching new heights of excellence for any modern university.


    • Call for applications: Exploring the Online Learning Environment (November 2023)

      This course aims to introduce participants from the DIGI-FACE Centres to the Online Classroom, also called the Learning Management System (LMS). Moodle is the LMS…

