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    • CEMEREM: E-Learning Training for TTU Staff at Nelson Mandela University a Success

      Over the period 11-14 June 2024, five staff from Taita Taveta University (TTU) attended e-learning training at Nelson Mandela University as part of the DIGI-FACE initiative. Rediscovering the inspiring examples was more than just a trip; it was an eye-opening experience that highlighted growth and potential. Much appreciation and gratitude goes to CEMEREM and DIGI-FACE for this empowering initiative towards realising digital fluency in higher education.


    • E-Learning Training at Nelson Mandela University

      Remotopia, or remote working, has become a buzzword. In a world becoming increasingly connected through a meshed network of digital spaces, a progressive realisation of the metaverse concept, universities cannot be left behind if they are to produce market-ready graduates for the new borderless knowledge generation and research environment. Proficiency in utilising digital tools to enhance learning outcomes is critical to reaching new heights of excellence for any modern university.


    • Advancing Mining and Natural Resource Management Education and Research: TU Bergakademie Freiberg Professors Engage with Senior Government Officials during Visit to Taita Taveta University
      CEMEREM partners meeting at Taita Taveta University on April 3, 2023, to discuss the progress of the project.

      Two professors from the Technical University and Mining Academy, Freiberg (TU Bergakademie Freiberg), Germany, visited Taita Taveta University (TTU), Kenya, as part of the key…


    • Testing and tasting the sweetness of World Cup at Taita Taveta University with prediction models

      A Quantum Prologue A quantum revolution in knowledge is already a progressive reality, making evident the prospects for quantum computing and ushering in a new…



      Abbreviations/Acronyms CEMEREM          Centre of Excellence for Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management DAAD                  Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst HTW                    Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft…


    • Inviting Participants to the 1st CEMEREM Alumni Seminar, 2021

      Dates: 12 - 18 December 2021 Theme: An environmental management system for Taita Taveta County as a pilot project for East Africa CEMEREM has come…


    • Education 4.0: Why Alumni Seminars and Summer Schools?

      Evidential account, 2010 - 2021 Alumni Seminars and Summer Schools are key to realising "Change by Exchange - Wandel durch Austausch", a slogan of the…


    • CEMEREM – image video online available for the “Centre of Excellence for Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management”

      “Vor der Schippe ist es duster!”, is a German miners saying, meaning “It’s dark in front of the shovel.” We have put some light there and now the image video of the centre is ready to be presented.   After some changes in the hosting of the DAADs website, finally the new image video of […]

