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    • Findings on addressing youth unemployment through higher education curricula

      A completed 2021 nationwide youth survey in Kenya (aged 18-35) that was supported under the 2020 ACCESS Idea Competition found a general disagreement to the thesis that higher education would guarantee a good job in Kenya, with an average score of 2.5 on a scale of 1 (strong disagreement) to 5 (strong agreement). The study confirmed that attitudes towards TVET have been changing positively given the promise for skills and jobs. A total share of 79% would be ready to give up their university admission to join TVET institutions instead given the promise of skills development and matching jobs: very readily (19%), readily (28%), probably (32%), and not at all (21%). On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 4 (very readily), the weighted mean was 2.5 out of 4.


    • Inscription au colloque hybride du CEGLA du 21 au 23 octobre 2021

      Le Centre d’Excellence de Gouvernance Locale en Afrique (CEGLA) vous invite à prendre part en ligne aux activités de la 3ème édition du colloque international…


    • The cane keeps Africa going

      Interviews from the International Alumni Conference in Cape Town November 2017. What does this have to do with beating? If you ask an artist, a painter, he will tell you immediately that sometimes you have to change perspective. Go far away from your painting, to see it as a distant structure or go very close […]


    • CEMEREM – image video online available for the “Centre of Excellence for Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management”

      “Vor der Schippe ist es duster!”, is a German miners saying, meaning “It’s dark in front of the shovel.” We have put some light there and now the image video of the centre is ready to be presented.   After some changes in the hosting of the DAADs website, finally the new image video of […]


    • An academic semester in Flensburg, Germany learning more about Logistics:

      In today’s world things are changing dramatically and we are becoming one global village, with more opportunity arising from all corners of the world you are able to study anywhere in the world. This means that we are no longer bound to Namibia, but we experience and gain knowledge around the world. Every year Namibian […]


    • Musings on my visit to Flensburg University of Applied Sciences

      Visiting the Centre for Business and Technology in Africa at the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences is akin to making a pilgrimage to “the north”. Arriving at my destination in this historic city at the tip of the Flensburger Förde, I couldn’t help but think it as a convenient gate away from Windhoek. As if […]

