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    Sustainable Operations for Resource Management and Food Supply (SCO)

    Sustainability of Intergenerational Resources


    The highly transdisciplinary center will empower sustainable operations related to production, movement, and processing of food and other natural resources as well the people needed along the supply chain. It addresses practitioners, students and graduates of business schools just the same as those of other disciplines, like medicine, agriculture, engineering, and humanitarian.

    KLU’s Dean of Research, Prof. Maria Besiou, will serve as Principal Investigator. Kühne Foundation`s Logistics Education – Emerging & Developing Countries (LEED) – team under the leadership of Dr. Andre Kreie will support with the operational implementation of the Center in Africa.

    At UDSM, the center is coordinated by Dr. Tumsifu Thomas and academic advisory is led by Prof. Ulingeta Mbamba.

    Content and goals

    SCO is a multidisciplinary centre that promotes training and research in sustainable operations, resource management and food supply. It supports research activities in agribusiness, rural entrepreneurship, food supply chain and logistics. It collaborates with the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), the Kuehne Logistics University (KLU) and the University of Nairobi (UoN). The objectives of SCO are to;

    • Build higher education capacity, especially for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes;
    • Strengthen the faculty through joint teaching and research projects as well as doctoral opportunities;
    • Support field research and case study development for teaching related to mutual areas of interest in East Africa;
    • Support internship opportunities at national and international levels to promote careers in the areas of interest;
    • Jointly review and develop leadership programmes;
    • Jointly support and deliver workshops and seminars related to the mutual areas of interest;
    • Develop networking systems and opportunities to ensure a higher level of integration of academic research with practitioners in the East Africa region and beyond.


    Programme and how to apply

    Information on programme will follow soon

    2023 Student Summer School at the University of Nairobi

    Applications to 2023 Student Summer School for UDSM Students are open! The 2023 Student Summer School in Sustainable Development and Food Supply in Africa will be…


    2023 Student Summer School at the University of Nairobi

    Applications to 2023 Student Summer School for UoN Students are open! The 2023 Student Summer School in Sustainable Development and Food Supply in Africa will…


    Call for Papers: 5th African Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ACOSCM)

    05.-06. September 2023, Kampala, Uganda Makerere University Business School (MUBS) will host the 5th African Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ACOSCM) with the…


    Call for Scholarship Applications: Master of Business Research (MBR)

    Master of Business Research (MBR) is a new two-year master's level program offered at the Department of Management Science and Project Planning, Faculty of Business…


    Call for Scholarship Applications: Master of Sustainable Management and Operations (SuMO)

    Master of Sustainable Management and Operations (SuMO) is a new two-year master's level program offered at the Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University…


    The 4th African Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ACOSCM) held on 27th - 28thJuly, 2022 in Nairobi. The University of Dar es Salaam won first place in both the best overall paper and best oral presentation categories

    The 2022 Autumn School Training held at the University of Dar es Salaam had participants from Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Germany. A total of 50 participants and 10 instructors attended the event.

    Launch of Bachelor of Commerce in Procurement and Supply chain Management program on 1st December, 2022 at the University of Dar es Salaam Business School. The launch was officiated by Prof. Bonaventure Rutinwa, the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) of the University of Dar es Salaam. The event was also attended by the Dean of the University of Dar es Salaam Business School, Acting Dr Latifa Mbelwa; Kuhne Foundation Global Education Manager, Dr. Daniel Zapata; the Head of Department of General Management, Acting Dr. Gerald Magova; Academic leader Prof. Ulingeta Mbamba and the Coordinator of African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Operations in Resource Management and Food Supply, Dr. Tumsifu Thomas

    Group photo at the launch of the Bachelor of Commerce in Procurement and Supply chain management program

    On March 14th and 15th 2023, the National Clean Cooking Stakeholders' Workshop took place in Dodoma, and the participants included the African Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Operations in Resource Management and Food Supply (ACESO) from the University of Dar Es Salaam. During the workshop, ACESO presented their research findings on the use of biomass residue for energy and soil amendments, which could lead to enhanced productivity and sustainable food supply by reducing deforestation and improving soil quality. Their research included an assessment of the energy policy framework, the availability of biomass residue for solid biofuel production, the solid biofuel value chain, market assessment, and a comparative cost-benefit analysis, among other factors. The Centre was represented by Dr. Tumsifu Elly and Dr. Michael John.

    A cross section of the workshop participants during the National Clean Cooking Stakeholders' Workshop in Dodoma

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