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Land use/land cover classification for the iron ore mining site of Kishushe, Kenya: a feasibility study of traditional and machine learning algorithms

The research applied GIS and Remote Sensing techniques to evaluate the most effective classification methods for characterising land use and land cover changes in an active mining region in Kenya. The specific site was a large-scale mining site for iron ore in Taita Taveta County. Machine learning algorithms were found to be the most effective.

Nashon Adero | October 21, 2021


The future of Africa in the post-COVID-19 world

The Future of Africa in the Post-COVID-19 World is a timely book on Africa, a continent whose strategic position in the nexus of emerging global megatrends and complex development challenges is receiving increased attention. This book is a wellspring of thought-provoking ideas, facts, statistics, philosophical arguments, and scientific reasoning by fourteen authors and thinkers drawn from Africa, the African academic diaspora included. Presenting key lessons for Africa from the COVID-19 global pandemic with the authenticity and alacrity of native experience, the authors share insightful perspectives that all African leaders and decision makers will find invaluable in redirecting the course of Africa’s development to compete on an equal footing with other regions in the post-pandemic world. Wading through the six engrossing sections of this book, you will be enlightened on: - Key lessons at the science-policy interface for African leaders on disaster governance, drawn from COVID-19 models and their implications for technological advancement, data integrity, scientific metrics, and civic engagement - Post-pandemic perspectives on education and skills development aimed at empowering Africa’s youth agenda and addressing youth unemployment - Perspectives on geopolitics and geoeconomics in a post-pandemic Africa - Multilateralism and its promises to enable Africa to bargain on an equal footing with the rest of the world - Recommended priorities for revamping Africa’s agri-food systems, environmental sustainability, and natural resource management during and after COVID-19 - Independent and informed voices on how Africa should reinvent herself to build back better during and after COVID-19

Nashon Adero | October 21, 2021
