Found 52 Results for ''
Risk perception and the choice to live in flood risk zones?
Nyarko Lawrence Fletcher | November 8, 2023
Professionnalisation de la Licence dans les université publiques togolaises : des pratiques inadéquates aux approches divergentes!
Dibaataba BALOGAH | November 8, 2023
The state of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Kenya: the benefits and weaknesses of the CBC, achievements, obstacles on the CBC implementation, some of the strategies employed by the government to mitigate the difficulties encountered and recommendations to propel the implementation process
Johnson Munyoki | November 6, 2023
Integration of information and communication technology in instruction of Geography
Frank Mwaluko | November 6, 2023
Starchy staples production shortfalls in Ghana: technical inefficiency effects outweigh technological differences across ecologies
Isaac GK Ansah | September 29, 2023
The role of cross-border transhumance in influencing resident herders’ cattle husbandry practices and use of genetic resources
Sandrine Houessou | September 29, 2023
Effets du Biochar utilisé comme amendement sur les propriétés physico-chimiques des sols et les paramètres agronomiques du Sorgho dans la zone semi-aride du Burkina Faso
Désiré Jean Pascal LOMPO | September 29, 2023
Impact of COVID-19 on South Africa’s early childhood education and the sustainable development goals
Amiena Bayat | September 29, 2023
Stratégies d’adaptation des ménages face à la variabilité et aux tendances climatiques actuelles dans le Fakara au Niger.
Dan Dano Na Inna AbdoulAziz | September 29, 2023
Ressources et souveraineté
El-hadji Boubacar Touré | September 29, 2023