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    The Climate Centres offer many opportunities for interested students, researchers and stakeholders in different climate-related subjects

    The ABCD-Centre specialises in water security and is a project between Aachen, Dresden, Chennai and Bangkok.

    The AFAS-Centre in Kenya and Ivory Coast deals with the adaptation to climate change as well as the preservation of biodiversity in African savannas.

    The SAGE-Centre in the Palestinian Territories works on climate and land use adaptation in the Jordan River Basin.

    TRAJECTS investigates the phaseout of coal and changes in land management in Colombia and South Africa.

    DIGI-FACE and its global network






    PhD Students


    MA Students




    Master Programme


    PhD Programme






    Research Projects


    Online Courses


    Registered Users

    General information about the Global Centres for Climate and Environment

    The DAAD supports the establishment of four Global Centres for Climate and Environment, situated at higher education institutions in the Global South, where international and German scientists jointly teach, conduct research and promote social transformation in dialogue with business, politics and civil society. By this, solutions for global challenges, such as the climate crisis, shall be developed.

    Based on the belief that global challenges can only be mastered together, the Global Centres work in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner, involving several disciplines and actors. The Centres all aim at building capacities, educating future environmental leaders and finding local solutions for global challenges. The four Centres are situated in India/Thailand, Colombia/South Africa, Ivory Coast/Kenia and Palestinian Territories.

    How to apply?

    Common thematic focus, various disciplines and different application formats

    All Global Centres have individual funding opportunities as every Centre works on different climate related topics and follows its own project goals. There are different opportunities and application procedures to participate in the Centre’s activities. To get in-depth information about the Centres, please check out the individual Centre pages.

    The Global Centres Programme offers multiple opportunities:

    • Master programmes
    • PhD programmes
    • Scholarships
    • Workshops, Seminars
    • Internships
    • Living Labs
    • Lecture Series

    Diverse Topics, diverse approaches

    Huge variety of topics, approaches, partners and disciplines

    The Global Centres work on different topics related to climate change, such as water security, water scarcity, biodiversity, land-use and fossil fuel phase-out. As such, climate mitigation and climate adaptation are both topics of relevance.

    The programme lays a special focus on inter- and transdisciplinarity and the Centres themselves include serveral disciplines – such as social sciences, climate science, engineering, development studies or political science. They also involve non-university research facilities, as well as stakeholders from the areas of politics, business and the civil society. As different countries and regions are affected by climate change in very different ways, any research for solutions must be adapted to the respective local conditions. Therefore, the Centres cooperate with local stakeholders from different areas.

    The Global Centres programme started in 2021 and is accompanied by a results-oriented monitoring system that helps adressing the programme objectives in a systematic manner. Thereby the impact of the programme is being evaluated. The outcomes of the programme are: 

    How it all started and who is behind the Global Centres


    The DAAD is the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers.

    Founded in 1925, ca. 2.6 million scholars in Germany and abroad have received DAAD funding. DAAD is a registered association and its members are German institutions of higher education and student bodies. Its activities go far beyond simply awarding grants and scholarships. The DAAD supports the internationalisation of German universities, promotes German studies and the German language abroad, assists developing countries in establishing effective universities and advises decision makers on matters of cultural, education and development policy.

    The DAAD programme Global Centres, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office since 2021, supports the establishment of Global Centres at higher education institutions in the Global South which work together with a multitude of international and German partners on climate and health related topics. Next to the four Global Climate Centres, four Global Centres for Health and Pandemic Prevention are being established within the framework of this programme.

    The long-term impacts of the programme are, among others:

    • Contribution to relevant SDGs and Germany‘s involvement in joint strategies to tackle global challenges
    • Contribution to knowledge generation, transfer and circulation in matters of climate and environment
    • Contribution to a closer cooperation between HEIs, research facilities and public and civic stakeholders from the area of climate and environment


    DAAD office in Bonn, Germany


    Cultural relations and education policy: A basis for strong international relations.

    For the Global Centres programme, the DAAD receives funding from the Federal Foreign Office. Via this funding the Federal Foreign Offices enhances capacities in Higher Education and Research in the Global South in order to build up a sustainable environment. The Federal Foreign Office is committed to making fair and sustainable use of the opportunities for the Global cooperations.
