Funding source: Federal Foreign Office, Germany through German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

DAAD Project ID: 57587014

Coordination: Pro-RUWA team at University of Kassel (Germany)

Contract location: Witzenhausen/Kassel, Germany

Deadline for completion: December 31, 2024

Contact person: PD Dr. Martin WIEHLE


The West African-German network „Promoting Academic Capacities for Sustainable Agricultural Resources Use in West Africa“ – Pro-RUWA aims to train a new generation of regionally and internationally educated young scientists, entrepreneurs, and administrators. Future decision makers in francophone West Africa will be capacitated to jointly overcome bottlenecks in resource overuse and food insecurity at the national and regional level by fostering university education, international relations, regional development, and operational links between the academic, public and private sector. Pro-RUWA therefore tries to strengthen its teaching capacities and local impact by developing transdisciplinary approaches and online courses.

Focus, intention and goals

We request for the development of an intense 10-day block and training course (~60 h, ~2 ECTS) of hybrid nature, implying a 3-days online course and a 7-days on-site workshop in Benin. Materials have to be made available on the moodle-based DIGI-FACE platform for self-learning purpose and have to be created under Creative Commons licenses. The course should serve graduate students and young scientists who want to learn and apply transdisciplinary research strategies and teachers who wish to include sustainable resources use in their teaching programs.

We request a three-step stage plan including the

  • (i) development of the respective module,
  • (ii) implementation and conduct and a later
  • (iii) adjustment phase based on feedbacks by participants and the Pro-RUWA team.

The training is to provide an intercultural, inter- and transdisciplinary learning and exchange platform for candidates from advanced M.Sc. to PostDoctoral level in the agricultural sciences domain (sustainability science – political ecology – geography – social/cultural anthropology – management – heritage studies – agroecology – economics). Training on theories and frameworks should be accomplished by professional and regional expertise development as well as input lectures by and discourses with experts, exercises, coaching, field trips, and peer-to-peer collaboration. The programme includes the following blocks:

  • Conceptual seminar providing insights into concepts of and debates on sustainable resources use and local/indigenous knowledge
  • A methodological seminar where participants will discuss current trends, goals and suitable methodologies of transdisciplinary research
  • Case studies focusing on/relation to the topic of the summer-school

Pro-RUWA invites applications of course developers and moderators in the field of sustainable resources use, land use change, climate change, governance/management of as well as tensions on resources, landscapes and protected areas and the involvement of local communities. Topics related to that should for instance involve indigenous/local knowledge, land and environmental rights, traditional farming methods, governing socio-ecological processes and conflicts, biodiversity, sustainability and SDGs, (world)cultural and natural heritage, protected areas and nature conservation vs. climate change. A close collaboration between the contractor client and contractor (Pro-RUWA staff) will be guaranteed.

Language: English

Approximate number of participants: 20

On-site excursion: Benin

How to apply?

The application must contain

  • Letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
  • CV (individual persons) or company profile including portfolios of already achieved contracts and conducted work (max 3. pages)
  • Pricing by task including VAT (if applicable), aligned to the usual expenses/rates in the higher education sector. Projected costs must include all course-related expenses (salaries, mobility, subsistence, consumables) – i.e. no additional costs will be covered.
  • Deadline for application: July 08, 2024


Tel: +49 (0) 5542 98 1372


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