Transform from face-to-face lectures to e-learning

Topics cover (in French):

– Powerpoint in e-learning

– Design the course in Moodle

– Various sources in Moodle

– Grading in Moodle

Only for lecturers at University of Abomey-Calavi (Benin), University of Dedougou, (Burkina Faso), and University of Abdou Moumouni (Niger).

Time: 08:00-12:00 (CAT) 24-25 May 2023

Deadline for registration: 20 May 2023 (13:00)

Register by emailing to sending with the title: “Pro-RUWA e-learning training” indicating: 1) a short motivation, 2) your full name, 3) teaching subject, 4) phone number and email address.

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  1. Cher Dr Thanh,
    Je suis intéressé à cette offre de formation qui se tiendra du 24 au 25 mai 2023

  2. Dear Thanh,
    I am interested to this training which will strated 24 mai 2023


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