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    Promoting Academic Capacities for Sustainable Agricultural Resources Use in West Africa (Pro-RUWA)

    Promoting Academic Capacities for Sustainable Agricultural Resources Use in West Africa

    The West African-German network Pro-RUWA aims to train a new generation of regionally and internationally educated young scientists, entrepreneurs, and administrators. Future decision makers in francophone West Africa will be capacitated to jointly overcome bottlenecks in resource misuse and food insecurity at the national and regional level.

    Main Goals


    Activities & Capacity Building

    We build on existing structures of the three young universities UAC, UAM, and UDDG in West Africa that have recently decided to overcome the language barriers and internationalize their graduate education. Fostering university education, international relations, regional development, and operational links between the academic, public and private sector, we promote

    • south-south and south-north-south exchange,
    • Winter Schools to qualification of PhD students and academic personnel,
    • advanced training courses for lecturers, IT / GIS staff, and administrators,
    • teaching and learning environments through state-of-the art didactic concepts and effective use of digital infrastructure,
    • scientific approaches to climate-sensitive sustainable resource use, and
    • academic and business soft skills.


    Our Partners

    Pro-RUWA closely collaborates with

    Programme and how to apply

    Within the Pro-RUWA Graduate School, we deliver various scholarship and funding options to MSc Students and young scientists as well as finance administrators. Every year, we call for applications for fully funded PhD research at our all three partner universities.

    Pro-RUWA research themes:

    • Rural-Urban Transformation,
    • Governance of Resource Use,
    • Food Security,
    • Climate Change,
    • Soil-Plant-Animal Interactions,
    • Biodiversity of Plant and Animal Resources,
    • Pro-Poor and Migration Policies, and
    • Marketing and Certification along Agricultural Value Chains

    Visit our main homepage for more information.

    COCREATE-Africa project scholarships

    The COCREATE-Africa project is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fostering advanced academic training and research in Climate Smart Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation across East and…


    Atelier sur Moodle Novembre 2023 : Appel à candidatures

    Cet atelier s'adresse au personnel académique et administrative des Centres d'Excellence Francophones et les passionnés de l’apprentissage en ligne qui souhaitent améliorer leur maîtrise de…


    Call for applications – Integrated Master Program of the West African Center for Sustainable Rural Transformation (WAC-SRT), Niamey

    Application for an Integrated Master Program in Sustainable Transformation of Rural Area/ DAAD scholarships The Integrated Master Program for Sustainable Rural Transformation (IMP-SRT) is a…


    Our panel at “African Futures” – the European Conference on African Studies (ECAS)

    AFAS will participate in this year’s European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) from 31 May to 3 June 2023 in Cologne (Germany). ECAS is hosted…


    Master Thesis Defense

    Topic: Assessment of the potential biomass resources for a sustainable energy management in Niger It was on Monday, 28th November 2022, that M. Amadou Mounkaila…


    Curricula review & development Workshop at the School of Science and Technology of Animal Production (ESTPA, FSA, Bénin)

    On November 10, 11, and 12, 2022, a curriculum review and development workshop was held at the School of Science and Technology of Animal Production…


    Advanced GIS course development on the DIGI-FACE moodle platform – Launching activities 2022

    By Omobayo Ghislain ZOFFOUN During 21 July, 29-31 August and 14 September 2022, with support of DIGI-FACE, Pro-RUWA staff in Benin join online training on…


    DIGI-FACE better known at the University of Abomey-Calavi

    Pro-RUWA_2-1-1024x683.jpgDownload By Wilfried H. NASSI CAKPO Under the direction of the DIGI-Face coordination, a series of information sessions on the benefits of the DIGI-Face platform…



    Our Members and Alumni strive for Excellence

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    Miss Sikhanyiselwe Nkomo
    Lucie Planel
    Dr. Soule Moussa Lecturer University Dan Dicko Dankoulodo of Maradi (UDDM),
    Prof. Désiré Jean Pascal LOMPO Senior lecturer and Researcher Université de Dédougou Vice-President in charge of research and international cooperation Université de Dédougou
    Maman kabirou Idi Nomao
    Dr. Paul Schmidt Data Scientist & Management Director BioMath GmbH
    Dr. Omobayo Ghislain Zoffoun Lecturer in GIS and Remote Sensing Pro-RUWA Executive Director GeoEnvironment and Biodiversity Conservation (GeoEBC) NGO
    Dr. Rike Becker Researcher University of Kassel
    Dr PARDEVAN Ahoubahoum Ernest
    Andreas Buerkert Professor of Organic Plant Production and Agroecosytems Research in the Tropics and Subtropics University of Kassel (Witzenhausen)