My coming at the Congolese-German Center of Microfinance (CCAM) was with great pleasure and anguish. Certainly at the beginning nothing has been easy because we were getting pressure from everywhere (the abundance of tutorials, seminars, projects writing, quiz…) in short, many things to do at the same time but day after days we had been able to be adapted and be familiar to that life.

The CCAM has a particularity and many elements that characterize it:

The environment : the conditions in which we study was favorable for us to improve our yields;

The rigor in work : there is not the undeserved marks, all teachers pushed us to give the best of ourselves;

Compliance period for the submission of assignments: we were forced to hand the practical work within the agreed time otherwise it will not be corrected; ouuff what a stress!!

Team work: this was very importance because it helped us to work together and know the views of others.

This list is endless because there are so many things that were helpful. The CCAM has made us a family that until now all the class of 2014 we are in touch and we are called “Génération Bénie.”


Sandrine BasungaSandrine Basunga

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  1. Kalumbu Banza says:

    That’s true about CCAM. I hope my promotion will also have a name, lol

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