Journée “Acces au Financement“

The Congolese-German of center of Microfinance was once again in the spotlight when hosting the sixth edition of « acces au financement in DR Congo» on the 25th of June 2016 at Université Protestante au Congo.


This forum has gathered 450 entrepreneurs and many others banks  and institutions of microfinance. Professor Patrick Bakengela was the main speaker of the event and has represented the center at the event, the focus of his speech turned around three topic s, that were discussed:

  1. The first one was about the management of the SMES
  2. The second one was about how can someone became the best banker
  3. The third one was about  how an entrepreneur get a good deal with banks

It must be mentioned that this forum was an initiative of the “financial inclusion fund in DRC” another project of Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

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