We are excited to offer you two fantastic modules in November 2021: Achieving Research Coherence and Creating Documents with Canva. Learn more about the two courses and how to apply below.
Achieving Research Coherence | 9.11.-14.12. | 6 Zoom Sessions
This course helps students identify the expected goals of components of a formal research proposal to demonstrate an intended coherent study towards a critical declaration of their positionality as a researcher. The course consists of self-directed learning on the Moodle platform and six Zoom sessions.
Dates: 15.11. | 22.11. | 29.11. | 06.12. | 13.12. | 15.12. always 10-12 am (Central African Time)
Creating Documents with Canva | 17.11.-24.11. | 2 Zoom Sessions
This interactive course introduces you to the basic functions of Canva by improving existing documents and creating your own. We will cover both essential design principles as well as the technological know-how that you need to turn your ideas into reality. Please make that you can invest four hours of self-directed work into this course and show up to the two mandatory Zoom sessions to qualify for a certificate. A stable internet connection is highly advised to fully benefit from the course – if you need support to cover the necessary costs, please tell us in advance.
Dates: 17.11. | 24.11. always 11-12 am (Central African Time)
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