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    30.06.2020 CEMEREM | Brendan Proctor



    CEMEREM at the DIGI-FACE Kick-Off Meeting
    28.04.2020 CEMEREM, DIGI-FACE | Brendan Proctor

    The Digital Initiative for African Centres of Excellence (DIGI-FACE) is a cooperation project between a network of German and African Universities under the leadership of…


    The First CEMEREM Conference on „Mining and Education in Africa“ in Nairobi, Kenya
    01.12.2017 CEMEREM | Brendan Proctor

    On 15 and 16 November 2017, within the CEMEREM Project, the first International Conference on Mining and Education took place in Nairobi. CEMEREM is a common project of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden (University of Applied Sciences HTWD) – the project co-ordinator, and Taita Taveta University (TTU) in Voi, Kenya, with […]


    CEMEREM – image video online available for the “Centre of Excellence for Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management”
    23.08.2017 CEMEREM | Brendan Proctor

    “Vor der Schippe ist es duster!”, is a German miners saying, meaning “It’s dark in front of the shovel.” We have put some light there and now the image video of the centre is ready to be presented.   After some changes in the hosting of the DAADs website, finally the new image video of […]


    All Centres of African Excellence meet for the 8th time in Kenya at Taita Taveta University
    08.04.2017 CEMEREM, General - DAAD | Brendan Proctor

    After an intensive, communicative and fruitful Networkmeeting all Partners are already on their way home. Among other things we worked on monitoring issues, furture perpectives and the upcoming tracer study. Foto by Thomas Hezel


    8th Network Meeting of the Centres of African Excellence in Voi, Kenya, April 5 -April 8
    29.03.2017 CEMEREM, General - DAAD | Brendan Proctor

    Less than a week from now the representatives of the eight Centres of African Excellence will meet for the 8th time at Taita Taveta University in Voi, Kenya.  The Meeting will be hosted by the Kenyan-German Centre of Excellence for Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management (CEMEREM). The main theme of the meeting this year is […]


    Visit to Nairobi and Taita Taveta University (TTU), Voi, Kenya
    03.01.2017 CEMEREM | Brendan Proctor

    From 14 – 20 December, a delegation of four (Prof. Jan C. Bongaerts and Dr. Jiangxue Liu, Erik Ferchau, biogas researcher of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Niazi Khan, Manager International Business Development at Nagaro GmbH in Frankfurt am Main) travelled to Nairobi and TTU In Voi. During the first part of the travel, on 14 December, […]


    Visit of Kenyan Delegation of Government Representatives
    10.11.2016 CEMEREM | Brendan Proctor

    From 17th to 21st October 2016, a delectation of representatives from the government of the Republic of Kenya visited Germany. The Cabinet Secretary for Mining, Hon Dan Kazungu, led the delegation. Members of the delegation were Mr. Raymond Mutiso – Ag. Director Mines, Mr. Stephen Mwakesi – Advisor to the Cabinet Secretary, Mr. Charles Obiero […]


    Contract signed
    19.07.2016 CEMEREM | Brendan Proctor

    The cooperation agreement between the main partners of the new selected Centre of African Excellence in Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resource Management (CEMEREM) at Taita Taveta University College (TTUC), Voi Campus (Kenya) was signed during the kickoff meeting (Foto: Prof. Hamadi Boga TTUC in front, Prof. Thomas  Grischek, FH Dresden and Prof. Jan Bongaerts, TU Bergakademie Freiberg)


    Kenyan German Centre of Excellence for Mining, Environmantal Engineering and Resources Management (CEMEREM)
    25.04.2016 CEMEREM | Brendan Proctor

    This recently established Kenyan-German Centre of Excellence for Mining, Environmental Engineering and Resources Management at the Taita Taveta University College in Voi responds to the recent discoveries of substantial deposits of minerals, iron ore, coal, gas and oil in the Eastern African Region. The centre aims to meet the need for well trained environmental engineers […]

