Dear colleagues,
since last November the West African Center for Sustainable Rural Transformation (WAC-SRT) has joined the African Excellence initiative. It is run in collabotration between the Center for Development Research (ZEF) University of Bonn, Germany, the Université Abdou Moumouni (UAM) in Niamey, Niger, the University for Development Studies (UDS), Wa and Tamale, Ghana and Institute for Social and Economic Research (SSER) of the University of Ghana. For more information see:
Apart from the enhancement of research and teaching infrastructure, capacity building, academic networking it also provides stipends for master students in three new/reviewed master programs addressing sustainable rural transformation from and inter/multidisciplinary perspective:
- Integrated Master Program in Sustainable Transformation of Rural Areas (Faculty of Science and Technology, UAM (M. Sc.)
- Master Program in Development Management, Faculty of Planning and Land Management, UDS, Wa (M. Phil.)
- Master Program in Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agribusiness and Communication Science, UDS, Tamale (M. Phil)
The calls are open for ainternational applicants. Deadline for application is the 31.05.2018
Please find links to the the respective calls below.
Best regards.
Wolfram Laube
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