We are delighted to announce the first lunch lecture at the African-German Research Network for the year 2023. On 6 January 2023, 12:00 pm (CET), Victoria Ojo-Adewuyi will share the results of her doctoral thesis „Criminal Justice Responses to the Boko Haram Crisis in Nigeria”. Victoria is an alumna of the AGRN and graduated with a LL.M. in Transitional Justice in 2015. She recently completed her PhD at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.
Boko Haram has been responsible for destabilizing North-East Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin region since 2009. The group anchors its ideology on Salafi Jihadism, has aligned with global terrorist movements such as Al-Qaeda and has become notorious for various egregious criminal acts. In her talk, Victoria will provide the historical, social, and religious context of Boko Haram’s violent crisis, assess the adequacy of Nigeria’s domestic legal responses, explore potential international criminal legal responses (particularly the preliminary examination at the International Criminal Court) and explain the ongoing transitional justice mechanisms being used in Nigeria in response to the conflict.
The event will take place online. Please find the Zoom dial-in information here:
Meeting-ID: 782 665 2006
Please register via transcrim.rewi@hu-berlin.de.

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Thanks for the invitation.