We are delighted to announce a lunch talk lecture on “New Discovery Channel: Is the U.S Subpoena 1782 a New Powerful Solution to ‘Follow the Money’ in Dollarized Economies?” by Dr. Prosper Maguchu on 16 June 2023 (12:00 pm, CET).
Prosper is an alumnus of the AGRN and is currently an Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and an Associate Professor at the Universitas Hasanuddin in Indonesia. Statute 1782 is a US law that could be used to compel US banks to share important information in the prosecution of money laundering in domestic litigation of other states – this obligation to cooperate can be a powerful tool in the fight against money laundering as it provides important evidence of financial transactions in the US that might otherwise be unavailable and can be used to “follow the money“ in a more efficient way.
The event will take place online via zoom.
You can join the event using the following dial-in information:
Link: https://hu-berlin.zoom.us/j/7826652006
Meeting-ID: 782 665 2006
Please register via transcrim.rewi@hu-berlin.de.

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