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    DIGI-FACE offers online modules for postgraduate students, academics (lecturers, supervisors, researchers) and staff of Centres of Excellence. Find out more about the courses and how to apply.

    For Postgraduate Students

    Academic Written and Graphic Presentation
    • Available Language : English, French
    • Teaching Format: Facilitated
    • Duration of the course: 8 weeks
    • Mandatory pre-knowledge of students: No
    • Learning Objective(s) of the module:
      • Prepare professional Word documents
      • Prepare tables and graphs in APA format in Excel for Word documents
      • Design professional PowerPoint presentations
      • Design an academic conference poster

    This module aims to provide you with the skills needed to present your academic work in a professional manner. You will learn how to produce professional Word documents, presentations and posters. The pedagogical approach used includes evidence-based practices of repetition, retrieval, reflection and generative and interleaved practice, all designed to make what you learn ‘stick’. By practising and mastering the skills required in this course, you will be able to present your academic writing and prepare visual presentations without having to think too much about how to present your work professionally.

    Achieving Research Coherence
    Creating documents with Canva
    Proposal Writing
    Publishing your Research
    Quantitative Research Methodology I
    Quantitative Research Methodology II

    For Academics (Lectures, Supervisors, Researchers)

    • Available Language : English
    • Teaching Format: Facilitated
    • Duration of the course: 3 weeks
    • Mandatory pre-knowledge of students: No
    • Learning Objective(s) of the module:
      • Prepare professional Word documents
      • Prepare tables and graphs in APA format in Excel for Word documents
      • Design professional PowerPoint presentations
      • Design an academic conference poster

    This module is designed to equip participants with the skills necessary to construct an enhanced online learning environment through the strategic application of instructional design and visual communication principles. Participants will learn how to structure content effectively, engage learners, and optimise knowledge retention. Additionally, they will explore the power of visual communication, discovering techniques to create visually compelling materials that facilitate understanding and promote active learning. By the end of the module, participants will possess the knowledge and tools to craft engaging, informative, and impactful online learning experiences that resonate with learners and drive meaningful educational outcomes.

    Creating documents with Canva
    Exploring the Online Learning Environment
    Open Education Resources
    PowerPoint to e-learning
    Strengthening Postgraduate Education
    Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning
    University Pedagogy

    For Centres of Excellence Staff

    Administration Essentials for Centre IT Managers and Coordinators
    • Available Language : English, French
    • Teaching Format: Facilitated
    • Duration of the course: Self-paced
    • Mandatory pre-knowledge of students: No
    • Learning Objective(s) of the module:
      • Prepare professional Word documents
      • Prepare tables and graphs in APA format in Excel for Word documents
      • Design professional PowerPoint presentations
      • Design an academic conference poster

    This course is designed for DIGI-FACE members eager to learn more about the Online Classroom through Moodle. Moodle is an open-source Learning Management System (LMS) and platform of choice for countless global universities.

    Exploring the Online Learning Environment
    Financial Sustainability 1
    Financial Sustainability 2
    Using your Padcaster

    If you have any questions about our course offerings, kindly contact Karlien Potgieter (karlien.potgieter[at]

    Academic Written and Graphic Presentation

    6 weeks | English, French

    This module aims to provide you with the skills needed to present your academic work in a professional manner. You will learn how to produce professional Word documents, presentations and posters. The pedagogical approach used includes evidence-based practices of repetition, retrieval, reflection and generative and interleaved practice, all designed to make what you learn ‘stick’. By practising and mastering the skills required in this course, you will be able to present your academic writing and prepare visual presentations without having to think too much about how to present your work professionally.

    Achieving Research Coherence

    8-10 weeks | English

    This course helps students to identify the expected aims of the components of a formal research proposal to demonstrate an intended coherent study towards a critical statement of their positionality as researchers.

    Administration Essentials for Centre IT Managers and Coordinators

    Self-paced | English, French

    This course is designed for DIGI-FACE members eager to learn more about the Online Classroom through Moodle. Moodle is an open-source Learning Management System (LMS) and platform of choice for countless global universities.


    3 weeks | English

    This module is designed to equip participants with the skills necessary to construct an enhanced online learning environment through the strategic application of instructional design and visual communication principles. Participants will learn how to structure content effectively, engage learners, and optimise knowledge retention. Additionally, they will explore the power of visual communication, discovering techniques to create visually compelling materials that facilitate understanding and promote active learning. By the end of the module, participants will possess the knowledge and tools to craft engaging, informative, and impactful online learning experiences that resonate with learners and drive meaningful educational outcomes.

    Creating documents with Canva

    3 weeks | English

    This interactive course introduces participants to the basic features of Canva by improving existing documents and creating new ones. Both basic design principles and technical know-how are covered. 

    Exploring the Online Learning Environment

    5 weeks | English, French

    This course aims to introduce DIGI-FACE participants to the online classroom, also known as a Learning Management System (LMS). Moodle is the LMS used to host the DIGI-FACE learning site. It’s a very popular open source platform used by many universities around the world. In this course you will learn how to use Moodle both as i) a student and ii) a teacher. It is important to understand both roles so that you can become a course designer or facilitator who develops the best possible learning experience for your students. 

    Financial Sustainability 1

    4 weeks | English, French

    This course aims at providing you with the basics needed for developing your own business concept. It provides reasons why you should use the knowledge and skills presented and will help you acquire the basic competencies required for getting started in terms of developing and offering successful online educational programmes via your Centre. The pedagogical approach used includes evidence-based practices and generative interleaved practice. By doing market research and elaborating your own business concept it will help you plan further steps for a strategy as to how your Centre can be financially sustainable in the long term when funding from the DAAD ceases.

    Financial Sustainability 2

    3 weeks | English, French

    This course aims at providing you with the basics needed for calculating the costs of an online courses in your Centre of Excellence. The pedagogical approach used includes evidence-based practice. Moreover, it should serve to provide your Centre with a basis for planning further steps in the professionalisation of e-learning activities and further organisational development in order to optimise resource planning.

    Open Education Resources

    3 weeks | English, French

    This self-paced course will enable you to harness the potential of open education in pursuit of your own learning goals while adhering to the requirements of copyright in a digital world.
    You will learn to effectively apply knowledge of copyright, open licensing and license remix compatibility using open education practices to support tertiary learning in a global digital context.

    PowerPoint to e-learning

    3 weeks | English

    This mini-module is for anyone who has delivered lectures using PowerPoint presentations. It focuses on how to use existing PowerPoint slides for online teaching and learning using the Moodle learning management system.

    Proposal Writing

    6 weeks | English

    This course aims at enabling you to write a clear, structured, and coherent proposal. You will learn the difference and links between the background information and the problem statement. By the end of the course, you will be able to determine the relationship between the research problem statement and the research objectives and propose research questions based on your research objectives. You will also be able to transition from research questions to research claims by following a series of steps. Additionally, you will become fluent in appropriate research designs and methodologies, samples and settings, research instruments, data generation, and data analysis. Finally, you will be able to express a clear understanding of your proposed research and accompanying research ethics.

    Publishing your Research

    12 weeks | English

    This course aims at providing you with the skills required to frame and draft a journal article. It will help you understand the importance of a claim as the basis of your paper. It will also provide you with multi-media perspectives and activities to ensure that you successfully frame your claim based on a research problem informed by appropriate literature. The argumentation techniques covered will enable you to dissect the anatomy of arguments in journal articles and parsimoniously frame your own. You will have an opportunity to share your article’s arguments for peer review and to peer review the arguments of one of your class member’s paper.

    Quantitative Research Methodology I

    8 weeks | English, French

    This course introduces participants to the fundamentals of the quantitative research process. It covers methodology, an introduction to Microsoft Excel, some guidance on self-organisation and first steps in descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion and correlations). It will enable participants to carry out their first quantitative research projects with determination and confidence.

    Quantitative Research Methodology II

    8 weeks | English

    This course aims at providing participants with the skills required to understand and use inferential statistics. In order to reach this goal, the module will help participants reflect on and understand the differences between qualitative and quantitative research methodologies as well as the differences between descriptive and inferential statistics. They will be shown how to distinguish between the nature of parametric and non-parametric data sets and helped to understand when and why one should apply inferential statistics. Finally, throughout the course they will be guided on how to test and analyse these data sets by means of commonly used statistical techniques using freely available statistical software.

    Strengthening Postgraduate Education

    8-10 weeks | English

    The course content takes into account the diverse contexts in which supervisors work as well as the differences in the postgraduate supervision processes across different disciplines. The pedagogical approach of this online course draws on participant interaction with the online interface, participant reflexivity to enable learning from one’s own and each other’s supervision experiences and reading of relevant postgraduate supervision related research.

    Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning

    4 weeks | English

    This course introduces a selection of key pedagogical principles suitable for use in blended and online learning. Academics will be guided in how these principles can be used to design online learning content that adheres to the identified pedagogical principles. Selected tools and technologies that can be used to create learning content that adheres to the chosen design and pedagogical principles are introduced for the Moodle LMS.

    University Pedagogy

    4 weeks | English

    The University Pedagogy module, designed for university lecturers, delves into essential pedagogical strategies to enhance teaching effectiveness and student engagement. Participants will explore active learning methods, impactful lecture delivery, diverse assessment and feedback techniques, and the integration of technology in the classroom. Additionally, the module addresses universal learning/accessibility and strategies to foster student engagement and motivation, aiming to equip lecturers with comprehensive teaching competencies to meet the diverse needs of their students.”

    Using your Padcaster

    3 weeks | English, French

    This mini-module is aimed at media and academic staff who are interested in learning more about creating educational and instructional videos for their centre using Padcaster. It also covers the basic steps of editing footage using iMovie and other free software, and how to upload a finished film to Moodle. 
